Information About Hearing Aids and Hearing Loss
The following are some of the places where you can get cheap hearing aids.
Make sure you consult your doctor first so you can find the right type.
Before You Buy There are many types of hearing aids.
The one you need will depend on the doctor's diagnosis.
Only look for products designed specifically for your type of hearing problem.
Some hearing devices work by amplifying the volume while others regulate it.
Look for items that best suits your condition.
A low priced but ill suited hearing aid may cause more problems.
Where to Find Affordable Hearing Aids A cochlear implant center is a good place to buy.
You can also contact the manufacturers through their website or phone numbers.
Some of these companies even hand out free hearing aids for kids.
There are also private foundations that sell or give these items away.
Look for companies that offer 30 or 45 day money back guarantee for their products.
Make sure the product has a warranty and you understand the return policy.
You can also consult the American Academy of Audiology for buying guidelines.
The Federal Trade Commission has publications that can help buyers.
There are two types of hearing loss, conductive and sensorineural.
What Causes Hearing Loss Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when the path from the inner ear to the brain is damaged.
Presbyacusis (age related) is one possible cause.
The hair cells in the cochlea are damaged so hearing problems occur.
Hearing can also be affected by loud noises (acoustic trauma).
This can happen to people frequently exposed to loud noises.
Infections such as meningitis, measles, mumps or Ménière's disease can lead to hearing loss.
Antibiotics can also cause affect hearing.
An overdose of aspirin is another possible cause.
People undergoing radiation, chemotherapy or other cancer treatments have been known to suffer hearing problems.
What Causes Conductive Hearing Loss This condition is brought about by anything that prevents sound from going to the outer to the inner ear.
There are several possible causes.
These include middle ear infection (acute otitis media) and wax blocking the outer ear.
Otitis media with effusion means fluid has accumulated in the middle ear.
Otosclerosis means the middle ear ossicles has hardened.
This makes vibration difficult.
A pierced eardrum can also lead to conductive hearing loss.
An injury to the head or an ear blow can cause hearing difficulties.
Medication Besides hearing aids, medications may help.
If there is bacterial middle ear infection, antibiotics may be effective.
Syringe can remove wax blocking the middle and outer ear.
Some hearing problems like cholesteatoma or acoustic neuroma can be remedied via surgery.
Warning: never self medicate.
If you are experiencing problems with hearing, let the doctor determine what the problem is.
Never take antibiotics or undergo medical procedures without consulting the doctor.
See a doctor as soon as you develop hearing loss or your ear aches.
Left untreated, the condition may worsen.
Hearing disorders can be a cause for discomfort.
But with cheap hearing aids widely available, this condition may be remedied.
Make sure you consult your doctor first so you can find the right type.
Before You Buy There are many types of hearing aids.
The one you need will depend on the doctor's diagnosis.
Only look for products designed specifically for your type of hearing problem.
Some hearing devices work by amplifying the volume while others regulate it.
Look for items that best suits your condition.
A low priced but ill suited hearing aid may cause more problems.
Where to Find Affordable Hearing Aids A cochlear implant center is a good place to buy.
You can also contact the manufacturers through their website or phone numbers.
Some of these companies even hand out free hearing aids for kids.
There are also private foundations that sell or give these items away.
Look for companies that offer 30 or 45 day money back guarantee for their products.
Make sure the product has a warranty and you understand the return policy.
You can also consult the American Academy of Audiology for buying guidelines.
The Federal Trade Commission has publications that can help buyers.
There are two types of hearing loss, conductive and sensorineural.
What Causes Hearing Loss Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when the path from the inner ear to the brain is damaged.
Presbyacusis (age related) is one possible cause.
The hair cells in the cochlea are damaged so hearing problems occur.
Hearing can also be affected by loud noises (acoustic trauma).
This can happen to people frequently exposed to loud noises.
Infections such as meningitis, measles, mumps or Ménière's disease can lead to hearing loss.
Antibiotics can also cause affect hearing.
An overdose of aspirin is another possible cause.
People undergoing radiation, chemotherapy or other cancer treatments have been known to suffer hearing problems.
What Causes Conductive Hearing Loss This condition is brought about by anything that prevents sound from going to the outer to the inner ear.
There are several possible causes.
These include middle ear infection (acute otitis media) and wax blocking the outer ear.
Otitis media with effusion means fluid has accumulated in the middle ear.
Otosclerosis means the middle ear ossicles has hardened.
This makes vibration difficult.
A pierced eardrum can also lead to conductive hearing loss.
An injury to the head or an ear blow can cause hearing difficulties.
Medication Besides hearing aids, medications may help.
If there is bacterial middle ear infection, antibiotics may be effective.
Syringe can remove wax blocking the middle and outer ear.
Some hearing problems like cholesteatoma or acoustic neuroma can be remedied via surgery.
Warning: never self medicate.
If you are experiencing problems with hearing, let the doctor determine what the problem is.
Never take antibiotics or undergo medical procedures without consulting the doctor.
See a doctor as soon as you develop hearing loss or your ear aches.
Left untreated, the condition may worsen.
Hearing disorders can be a cause for discomfort.
But with cheap hearing aids widely available, this condition may be remedied.