How to Remove a Bee Hive
When you are a homeowner with a garden that is full of nectarine flowers you are probably used to have these insects around you.
But bee hives are not always located in trees, often they are located in sheds, in walls, under awnings and more place in and around your house.
If you have someone in your family who is allergic for bee stings having a bee hive in the area can be a really dangerous situation.
The smart thing to do when you encounter a large bee hive is to call a professional to remove it.
However, if you discover a small bee hive you can consider to remove it yourself.
In this article we will give some tips on removing a small bee hive.
You will need these supplies: - protective clothing; - insecticide cans with long nuzzles; - insect poison; - a fire pit; - kindling; - matches; - scraper or shears; - a little bit of courage; The bee hive removal Preparation is always important when you are performing this risky plan.
After buying all supplies it is time to dress up.
When you do not have money to buy a protective bee suit it is important to wear several layers of clothing.
Make sure all bare skin is covered and your pants are tucked into your boots.
Cover your face with a hat, mask and some goggles to protect yourself.
Do not forget to put gloves on and if you want to be certain no bee goes in your clothes tape everything closed.
You are ready to approach the bee nest, the best time to do this project is in the early evening when the bees are in their hive.
Spray the hive with the insecticide and try to do this from as far away from the hive as possible.
Once you have sprayed the area insert the insect poison into the hive and exit the area.
Go sit into your house for an hour before moving on to the next step.
After one hour spray the hive once more and monitor how much activity there is around the hive.
Wait 30 minutes and start up your fire in your fire pit.
When you see almost no activity around the bee nest take your shears and separate the hive.
You can carry the hive in a bucket to the fire pit and burn the bee hive.
After burning clean the vestiges of the hive otherwise the bees will return and build a new one.
Sweep up all bees and clean everything.
Good luck!