WARNING... VOIP Over Wireless Mobile Violates Cellular Carrier Data Plans TOS COIP Cellular Over Int

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BEWARE... VOIP over mobile has emerged as a hot new wireless mobile alternative to the traditional cellular carrier services, but before you jump on one of these often times over hyped services, do your due diligence first or you will end up wasting money.

First thing you have to do before being lured into any of these new VOIP over mobile offers is to check with the carrier you will have to use, be it TMobile or AT&T, and once you read their optional data network plans which cost $40. extra on top of their standard plans, you may be shocked as I was.  

Simply put, you cannot use voice, as in VOIP over mobile without violating your carriers TOS agreement, but did any of the companies offering this application bother to tell you that they were promoting this violation?  When you research issue as I have, you will learn that Apple has removed their VOIP application due to the exclusive agreement they have with AT&T.  And the same application is no longer offered through Google which has an exclusive agreement with TMobile.  Did Apple get letter from legal department of AT&T and TMobile?

I ordered service which promoted great savings, yet when I discovered the details after the sales pitch, I would end up paying more, not less as promoted.  Simply put, don't fall for any of these VOIP over mobile offers.  Here is why, first, you have to have a GSM smart phone, and most do not.  So you have to add in this extra cost, and one such company was selling three year old obsolete flip phone as part of their offer, and sadly, it was pure junk, so beware or you may end up with a flimsy out dated cell phone combined with terrible VOIP application which even if legal did not work as promoted.

Optional data plans are $40. on top of your standard plan.  Unless you live in a hotel or airport where you have access to a WiFi hotspot, you won't save any money at all. It was very misleading how these VOIP over mobile companies were stating savings of up to 90% and didn't disclose the fact that was based on using WiFi connection.  How many people have access to WiFi given limited 100 ft. range under ideal situations.  No one I know, including myself, so in my case, I would be paying more, not less for these VOIP applications for mobile.

If you analyze all these promotions as I have done, none will offer the average mobile customer any savings of significance once you factor in extra cost of smart phone, as well as router many use attached to you computer to access internet as does VOIP for homes or businesses.  What you need to research is a new technology called Cellular Over Internet Protocol, or COIP as it is referred to.  When combining VOIP-COIP in one unit, you will indeed see great savings as you will be able to call anywhere in the world from anywhere in the world through a dial tone access on any cell phone you own.  No GSM smart phone is required, so you can use your existing cell phone regardless of how old it is, and this adds up to a significant savings over all the other offers.

With a dial tone on your cell phone, you dial a local COIP access number which puts you on a private network which is using the internet just like VOIP works for landlines. What is unique with COIP is it does not require optional $40. cost data network plans, nor do you need to purchase new phone if you don't have a smart phone already which is most people at last count.  The iPhone 3GS was a huge success, but at what cost, several hundred dollars if you had to change carriers and phones as example, not so with VOIP-COIP service option.

International travelers will save the most, often up to 90% if you are comparing to traditional mobile plans with roaming charges which is what I discovered in my comparison.  The VOIP over mobile are extremely limited to where they will operate unless you have a WiFi hotspot access point which most will not have.  With WiMax expansion, this too holds promise at controlling mobile phone costs, and VOIP-COIP offers an optional dual SIM multi-band phone option if needed for further savings as it offers more access options to their COIP network.

For additional savings, you can now reduce your current cell plan to the under $40. rate because you will no longer have to have unlimited minute plans, or the usual higher than basic plans most have.  With so many options, almost all carriers now offer a friends and family or circle of friends plan where you can add numbers most often called which are then free calls.  You program in COIP access number and your basic plan is now an unlimited call, text and data plan for far less than you were paying, so real savings can be achieved with this strategy.

With most people having computers, most owning one or more mobile phones per household, and still half of the homes have landlines in the U.S., imagine replacing all these services with one solution regardless where you are located worldwide?  That is what VOIP-COIP technology offers everyone, and combined with their multi tier affiliate and social media platform, this new service is the only one I have researched which offers real verifiable value in the mobile communications industry.

Never fall for the hype as I did a few months back, search out the facts, do your own due diligence and take your time evaluating your calling pattern to fully understand how much money you can save based on your calling patterns, not some hypothetical best case example most of these VOIP over mobile deals are promoting, so beware, don't get trapped or fooled into any plan unless you fully understand it first.
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