How Do You Teach Your Children to Tell the Time?
The clock plays a very important role in life, and parents want to teach their children how to tell the time as soon as possible. What is a matter of course for adults is a real effort for the next generation. As parents above all patience is needed, because it is easy to forget how difficult it is, particularly for small children. The way it used to be taught by grandparents seems especially helpful, as they aided learning using simple means. They made a clock out of cardboard and glued the hands on. Even simple drawings on paper can be very helpful - just draw lots of different times.
Simply start with the hours
Whether one takes a clock made of cardboard, paper or nice childrens watches, children should first learn what the hours look like. Where are the little and big hands? Such fundamental questions can be displayed on a beautiful children's watch, perhaps one appealing designed with colourful pictures on the face. Generally the 12, 3, 6 and 9 are very colourful and may be larger numbers or even small pictures. On boys watches, there might be a car or something similar that appeals mainly to boys. When children have learned that the pointer moves clockwise and a new hour begins only when it passes 12, the rest generally quickly follows.
Lots of practice and lots of patience
In the wide range of watches there are of course girls watches as well which are decorated in colours preferred by girls and with horses, dolls, animals or suns. Branded watches are not only robust, but are also tested for harmful substances and have attractive designs. If children are always encouraged to tell the time and you patiently practice with them, before the end of the kindergarten they will certainly be getting better and better at telling the time. On the cardboard practice clock little things such as dinner plates, game symbols, a bed, etc. can be very helpful when practicing.