Think Yourself to Wealth - Discover What Money Sounds Like to You
"Oh, the sweet sound of money to your ears.
Not coins jingling, but dollar bills flapping in the breeze!" What does money sound like to you? I don't mean the coins that clink together in your pocket or at the bottom of your handbag, I'm talking about what does money sound like to you inside your mind? I like to say that I have a million dollars even though I have yet to see all of it.
I also like to tell people that I'm going to be a millionaire in just a few years.
I like to watch their reaction, because it's their reaction that tells me everything about how money sounds to them.
You know, the people who raise their eyebrows high and widen their eyes like I've said something really BIG! Try this, say to yourself first and then out loud: I can have $100.
I can have $1,000.
I can have $10,000.
I can have one million dollars.
I'm going to have one million dollars.
Which of these are you most comfortable with? Is it $100 or a million dollars? It took me a while to get used to saying and believing that I could have one million dollars and more.
I was so framed by my environment and the legacy of my parents and family that I didn't realize that I had only projected my financial wealth potential slightly above what they had done.
However, when I realized it, I began to train my mind to accept a new mindset.
I went on a limiting thought diet and gorged on thoughts like: I can have one million dollars.
At that time I already had over $10,000 dollars in the bank and it was hard for me to say I had $10,000 dollars and I actually had it! Now those days are long gone.
I have even more money in the bank and am firmly rooted in knowing that I can have one million dollars and more.
As you declare to your mind what you want and what you believe you can have the Universe will begin to move you in the direction you need to go to bring your thoughts into being.
It may take some time to get used to acknowledging and embracing a new wealth mindset but once the transition period has passed you won't regret the work you've done.
Not coins jingling, but dollar bills flapping in the breeze!" What does money sound like to you? I don't mean the coins that clink together in your pocket or at the bottom of your handbag, I'm talking about what does money sound like to you inside your mind? I like to say that I have a million dollars even though I have yet to see all of it.
I also like to tell people that I'm going to be a millionaire in just a few years.
I like to watch their reaction, because it's their reaction that tells me everything about how money sounds to them.
You know, the people who raise their eyebrows high and widen their eyes like I've said something really BIG! Try this, say to yourself first and then out loud: I can have $100.
I can have $1,000.
I can have $10,000.
I can have one million dollars.
I'm going to have one million dollars.
Which of these are you most comfortable with? Is it $100 or a million dollars? It took me a while to get used to saying and believing that I could have one million dollars and more.
I was so framed by my environment and the legacy of my parents and family that I didn't realize that I had only projected my financial wealth potential slightly above what they had done.
However, when I realized it, I began to train my mind to accept a new mindset.
I went on a limiting thought diet and gorged on thoughts like: I can have one million dollars.
At that time I already had over $10,000 dollars in the bank and it was hard for me to say I had $10,000 dollars and I actually had it! Now those days are long gone.
I have even more money in the bank and am firmly rooted in knowing that I can have one million dollars and more.
As you declare to your mind what you want and what you believe you can have the Universe will begin to move you in the direction you need to go to bring your thoughts into being.
It may take some time to get used to acknowledging and embracing a new wealth mindset but once the transition period has passed you won't regret the work you've done.