What"s a Good Credit Score?
Why does each credit bureau have different scores for you? Because not all creditors report to all 3 credit bureaus; therefore, you may have more bad credit items on a report than the other two, thus the report with the most bad credit items on it will have the lowest score.
Most mortgage lenders look at what is known as the Fair Isaac or FICO Score.
A FICO score can range from 300 (very bad) to 850 (very good).
The median is 723, according to Fair Isaac statistics.
Recently, the 3 main credit bureaus, Experian, TransUnion and Equifax have developed their own combined score to compete with lenders that use the FICO score and they are trying to encourage lenders to use their new scoring system that they call the "Vantage Score".
It ranges from 500 (very bad) to 990 (very best) and like the FICO score it is based on the review of all 3 credit bureau scores along with their own proprietary formula.
So whats a good credit score? The bottom line to having a good credit score irregardless of whether it is an Experian, TransUnion, Equifax, FICO or Vantage score is - the more "bad credit" items that you have reported on your 3 credit bureau credit reports the lower your credit score will be on your FICO and or Vantage score.
It is that simple.
The key to achieving a good credit score is to be able to get any and or all of the bad credit items removed from each of the 3 credit bureau credit reports.
More on how to get that done later.
How Is A Good Credit Score Calculated? Your credit score is simply a number representing your life as it relates to your past and existing debt.
Each credit bureau, FICO and Vantage has it's own proprietary algorithm that they closely guard but there is general information available as to how they all calculate their score for you.
Like it or not Creditors use your credit score no matter where it comes from as the indicator of your creditworthiness.
Your credit score is calculated using five key categories.
How the Scores Are Calculated 1) 35% of your Score is devoted to Payment History.
This would include missed payments, collections, bankruptcies and the like.
The older the information the less of an impact on your overall score.
2) 30% of your Score is based on Utilization.
This is the amount of credit you have in used as compared to your available credit.
The recommendations point to less than 10% of your available credit be utilized.
3) 15% of your Score is impacted by your Credit History.
Effectively how long you've had accounts open and obviously takes some time to build.
4) 10% of your Score is based on Inquiries.
If you apply for various forms of credit and then don't get that credit it will impact you negatively.
Checking your own credit does not impact this number.
5) 10% of your Score is determined by Types of Credit.
This would be different forms of credit such as mortgages, auto loans, revolving credit and installments.
Did you notice that there Is something Missing? You'll note that there is no consideration for your actual income in this model.
Interesting to say the least don't you agree? Your income doesn't have anything to do with calculating your credit score.
Lenders do.
Whats a Good Credit Score? How many times am I going to make you ask me "whats a good credit score" before I answer? OK, ok.
The short non-scientific answer is 760 or above.
That's the score that is going to get you the best interest rates possible on a mortgage, auto loan or many other forms of credit.
That doesn't mean that each lender will offer you the same rate if you have that magical 760 score.
It will depend upon the amount of money a particular lender has available at the time that you apply for your loan that will dictate what the loan rate they will offer you.
If your score is 760 or above then I recommend that you monitor your credit scores and if drop for some reason you will know immediately and you will be able to do what needs to be done to get it back to that magic number.
Why is that important? Because if you allow it to drop within 30-60 days you'll see many of your loans and or credit card rates slide upward.
How can that happen you ask? The "fine print" on every loan or credit card agreement will usually allow the lender to adjust your rate without notice if your credit score changes.
If your credit score is far below the magical 760 score then you may want to learn how you can force all three of the credit bureaus to give you a good score.
There's a way to do that.
Let me know if you are interested.