Why You Should Opt For Linux VPS Hosting When Launching Your E-commerce Website
Imagine something similar happening to your e-commerce website, which will likely become an excellent source of income for you, pretty soon. Thankfully, choosing a highly secure hosting option will reduce the risk of your website getting hacked, by as much as 70%! There are several secure hosting options available, but for the best results, you should try to find a reputed provider of Linux VPS hosting services. Here are a few benefits that you are sure to get from such a service:
1. Rock solid security: Well, Linux is well known for its security features anyway. So, when it is used in web hosting, you can expect nothing less than the best possible security against unauthorized intrusions, be it hacking or malware infection. Additionally, consider the security features that virtual private servers naturally provide, and you can guess just how safe your ecommerce website will be, against threats from the cyberspace.
2. Unmatched control over the server: Sure, Windows is a comfortable system to work on. However, you do not get half of the configuration options on Windows than what Linux can offer you. How about configuring exactly how your visitors will be able to interact with each section of your website? Or how about restricting anonymous users to only the low-priority sections, leaving the purchase systems out of their reach? With Linux VPS hosting, these options are always available to you.
3. Quick access for website: Linux operating system is much lighter on the CPU than Windows. As such, you can expect your website to run much faster, if it is run using Linux VPS hosting packages. Besides, any reputable provider of hosting services will usually give you SLA guarantee of providing 99.9% uptime.
So, do not hesitate to start looking for reputable providers of Linux VPS hosting packages out there. After all, the sooner you have your website online, the better it would be for you. Fortunately, there are many service providers of that kind, and simply searching on Google for some time should allow you to find one good enough for your requirements.