Christian Publishers Make Your Dreams A Reality
Many pastors and aspiring authors dream of a life where they can make extra money or a full-time income from writing.
Many Christians would love to be the next C.
Lewis, but the reality is that most of us will never be this famous.
It is easy to be selfish and only think about how we can promote ourselves and our lives.
When we become Christians, we are called to die to ourselves and to love Christ first.
God says we need to love him first, and others second.
Our own life is not that important! There are several steps you'll want to take if you are serious about publishing your book.
The first step is to decide what kind of book you want to write.
Spend time in prayer, and ask the Lord to give you an idea for a book.
There are people who are interested in what you have to say.
Ask the Lord to give you inspired words to share in your book.
If your book is about theological topics, you don't want the book to be theologically inaccurate.
If you are writing a fiction novel, then the book should have Christian fundamental truths if you are writing it for the Christian genre.
Christian publishers are looking for books from a Christian point of view.
In most cases, they don't want anything to do with books that conflict with the Christian values of the publishing company.
The next step is to write the book.
No matter how long you estimate it is going to take to finish the book, you should expect it to take longer.
If you have never written a book, you will find that there are some days when you will do a lot of writing, and other days when you won't feel like writing anything.
This is common among writers! You should expect to have good days and bad days as you write! Setup an outline of your book so you can organize your thoughts.
The outline might be the chapters of your book, but you might find you need to reorganize the chapters of your book as you are writing the book.
The outline should speed up the time it takes to get your book published.
An outline is important for any type of book.
You should have an outline if you are writing a fiction novel or a non-fictional information book.
Once the book is done, it needs to be edited.
Before you send it to an editor, you should edit it yourself first.
You want to create a good impression for the editor that has to review your work.
You don't want the editor to feel overwhelmed because of all of the grammar errors in your book! Make it as easy as you can for your editors.
Christian publishers expect your book to be perfect when they see it.
The process of getting your work published through Christian publishers can take years! Many traditional publishing companies are flooded with thousands of publishing requests every year, so the vast majority of requests can ignored.
You might be writing the next New York Times best seller, but very few people will read your work if they don't know you.
Most Christian authors start by getting their first work published through self-publishing companies until they are known in the industry.