It Is Never Too Late To Improve Your Marriage!
If you want to maintain the perfect marriage, you have to try your best. Regrettably, there are many married couples who drift apart after the initial excitement or the so-called honeymoon period, the marriages become stale most often, and many couples end up in break up or divorce. This starts when the realities of life sink in. Priorities often shift towards children and the home, financial and career responsibilities take center stage and most often, partners feel neglected thus boredom of the marriage creeps in. A lot of couples wait for many years before seeking counselling for marital problems. You should seek advice early before everything is too late.
The problem is, couples tend to make excuses why they cannot. Lack of free time, no money, lack of energy. While there is no simple fix for all of these, if you want to save your marriage, you have to at least try. Not only do you owe it to yourself, you owe it to your spouse aswell. Wouldn't it be easy to say, make time, especially if you both go out to work, have children to take care of and so on. You need to be creative and take a step outside of your lives, even if it is only for a few minutes. Money is never an easy fix, but luckily, there are several ways to spend quality time with your partner that doesn't cost any money. If you are both tired, it doesn't take much energy to sit and chat over a coffee or a glass of wine. If one of you wants to take a bath, don't shut yourself off alone in the bathroom, invite the other one in. They could sit at the side of the bath, chat or scrub your back!
Success in marriage does not come purely through finding the right partner, but through being the right partner yourself; try to be the person whom you wish to catch the attention of. Don't expect your mate to be more than you are willing to be for yourself. Let your partner be, change yourself before you demand your partner to change themselves. Lastly, do things together, have activities that you both love and enjoy which could both fulfil you; savour every minute of being together.
In all marriages, you would expect to experience conflicts and misunderstanding from time to time but steer clear of conflicts that could make the relationship disposable. Discuss problems gently and without blame. Communicate always and discuss matters with maturity and compassion. Focus on the positives since a good marriage needs to have a rich deposit of positivity. Remember, love is an important element of your relationship, love is what keeps couples together when hard times surface; love is something that you do, it should be a behaviour to show that you care, love beyond the words. A triumphant and blissful marriage requires falling in love daily with the same person. Your partner.