4H Clubs in New York City
- New York City has one 4-H club location.Jumper/Photodisc/Getty Images
The 4-H club was started more than 100 years ago. Its original mission was to reach out to the youth of farming communities and teach them new methods and discoveries in agriculture. The four H's in 4-H stand for head, heart, hands and health. The 4-H club is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and has over six million members in urban, suburban and rural communities--including one chapter in New York City. - New York State's 4-H club is operated in partnership with Cornell University's Cooperative Extension.
The NYC chapter of 4-H focuses on improving youth's knowledge and life skills and providing community service. - Youth in Governance is one of the programs in action at the New York City chapter of 4-H. Youth Governance is a program set forth by 4-H to provide both youth and adults with strong leadership skills. The program also allows youth the opportunity to get involved in youth government programs, serve on boards of directors, receive leadership training and participate in youth service-learning activities.
- Another key program of the 4-H club in New York City is the CITY project, which stands for Community Improvement Through Youth. This program trains youth workers to interest teens in developing community improvement projects. The CITY project also focuses on preparing youth for the workforce and promotes civic engagement.