How to Apply for Social Security Information
- 1). Determine whether you've become eligible to receive Social Security. As long as you have worked at least 10 years (lifetime total) you are eligible for retirement benefits at age 62. However, to receive full benefits you must wait until age 65 to 67 (the exact age depends on when you were born). Spouses and surviving spouses or children may be eligible. If you are not certain, use the Social Security Eligibility Tool online (see Resources). If you are disabled as an adult and have a work history, you will have to have an interview and your case examined to determine eligibility.
- 2). Decide how to apply for Social Security. For retirement benefits, you can apply online (see resources). If you wish to apply in person, you may do so at any local Social Security office. An appointment is not mandatory, but it is recommended to be sure someone is available. To make a local appointment anywhere in the country, call Social Security at 1 (800) 772-1213 (for hearing impaired 1 (800) 325-0778). For applications to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) an in-person interview is required and you must make an appointment (use the phone number above).
- 3). Have the documents you will need ready, if possible. You need a certified copy of your birth certificate (available from the Vital Records department in the state where you were born) or your naturalization papers. If you served in the Armed Forces, have your discharge as well. You'll also need last year's W-2 form or a copy of your tax return if you were self-employed. The Social Security Administration advises you to start your application even if you don't have all the documents you need and promises to assist you in getting them. When applying for SSDI, you should get written documentation from your doctor.
- 4). Fill out the application form. You may do this online (see Resources) or at the local Social Security office if you choose to apply in person. In either case, the Social Security Administration recommends you start the application process 3 months before you want your benefits to start to allow time for your application to be processed.
- 5). Begin the process to apply for Social Security as an adult who has become disabled. Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis. You may be eligible if the impairment prevents you from working and earning more than a certain amount of money per month. To start the application process, call the phone number in Step 2.