A Yeast Infection Diet Should Have High Quantities of Fiber and Protein
The Candida bacteria is generally present in the human body at low levels, but when the body is weakened due to stress or illness the immune system cannot function properly and as a result, bacteria such as Candida start to multiply, and the result is typically an infection.
Thankfully, however, these types of infections are easily treated with over the counter topical medications and there is even a Yeast Infection Diet with foods you can eat, as well as avoid, to help counter the effects of the infection.
Typically, the environment in which the Candida bacteria thrive is acidic and if the acidic balance in the body is too high then it inhibits an individual's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals.
Sugar is known to feed Candida, and that includes fructose, so while on a Yeast Infection Diet you should avoid eating all kinds of sugar, including dry fruit, as well as alcohol, which is a type of sugar.
Beans and peas with sweeteners should also be avoided as well as pasta, prepared soups and canned tomatoes.
The ideal Yeast Infection Diet for those suffering with an overgrowth of Candida is one that's high in fiber and protein, complimented by some complex carbohydrates and a small amount of fresh fruit.
As a prime example, on any given day while on this diet, 65% of the food you eat should be those that are high in fiber, such as steamed vegetables, and 20% that are high in protein, such as chicken, eggs and nuts.
Some complex carbohydrates you can eat include rice and oats and acceptable fruit include pineapple and papaya.
Suffering with a yeast infection can be uncomfortable and frustrating, but there are treatments that you can take to minimize the symptoms and cure the infection quickly.
Applying topical creams as well as following a Yeast Infection Diet will help an individual suffering with this infection to get over it faster while maintaining healthy eating habits that will keep the body in better balance.