Shark Drinking Game, Tic-Tac-Toe, Roulette - Let's Play!
Technological development advances at such a rapid pace on a daily basis that the mind boggles just to keep up. It is true that these developments have moved us into an era where just about anything conceivable can possibly be executed. The world has become a global village as a direct result of this advancement. Business is conducted on the technological superhighway that has initiated wealth, job creation and substantially progressive economies that have established themselves beyond any yester-years wildest dreams.
We are kept busy conducting ourselves at a pace that has not been silhouetted in the past. Turning back to the history books and evaluating the ramifications of The Industrial Revolution, we can question what our future generations will have to absorb about this present age where at the click of a button everything happens at lightning speed. We truly do live in a time where if one can conceptualise it, it is in fact possible that it can be done.
It is not the purpose of this article to sing the praises of the technological wonders of this current age. True, advancement in our society goes unmatched, waits for no man and marches relentlessly on. There is no refuting this. However, there are most certainly such huge sacrifices that are made in society as a whole because of our fixation on moving forward that we do not count the cost to us and those around us at the end of the day.
Is it not so that one's life comes to screeching halt when systems are not operational? Even our inter personal relationships pivot on being able to make use of the convenience of social networking as a mechanism that is relied upon so heavily to manage and maintain, which we conduct as close and personal but that in fact really only take place in cyber space. Yes, there is most certainly a place and market for this in our society for this. The world has become a smaller space to live in precisely because of it. It is comfortable to establish and manage our relationships with our fellowman, business associates, family and friends in this medium of communication.
Yet there are elements pertaining to the very core of our human existence that are sorely dysfunctional as a result of our moving forward. Associates, spouses, parents and children are more concerned with communicating via these networks that sight is lost of actual intimate, physical convergence and not virtual ones. We spend our days on our computers, cell phones and social networking sites more often than not, investing more time and effort into these interactions than the relationships that are directly at hand, right there within our reach.
What are within our reach are the people, family and friends that we are actually surrounded by. We have forgotten how to interact and yes, we have forgotten how to play. There is simply no substitute for a good old fashioned game of sorts and the gut wrenching heartfelt laughter and close proximity can bring. And there are so many that have long since been shelved because of our preference to operate in the intangible. What better substitute is there than engaging with the people that we care about? It is also of the utmost importance that it is necessary just to switch off and play not for educational value, not for what can be gained and measured in the end product of our endeavours. Let's play games just for the fun of it and the sense of togetherness this can bring.
Games engage us on multi-faceted levels. Not only do they facilitate social interaction they promote happiness, experiences a sense of well-being for the active participant playing as a whole person and the loved ones that we come together with.
Let's play! Get that Shark Drinking Game, Roulette or Tic-Tac-Toe today and be part of a personal, giving and receiving generation.