Global Warming Will Kill All Life on Earth if it is Not Stopped?
Some estimates say that the oceans will rise 18 feet, although in reality this is unlikely to happen.
The thought of global warming is bad enough without the mass media hysteria getting involved in blowing everything at a proportion as they usually do.
I can hear them now; "AH HA HA HA HA! We are all going to die! Doom and Gloom everywhere indeed!" Many people who have been through several doom and gloom; the world is going to end scare tactics are not amused and one individual stated; "Yawn, Yah just like Y2K, sure, what is it with folks, do you forget your history or what?"
- No Bird Flu
- No International Terrorists
- No Asteroids hitting the earth
- No 2012 Mayan Calendar
- No Nuclear War with Russians.
On the CO2 emissions; most people think pollution it is not a wise thing, but scaring people into this much fear will only cause them mental issues and affect their immune system and cost us all more taxes due to the future of free-health care for the masses, who will not stop stuffing their faces.
In fact, people are 10,000 times more likely to die from complications of diabetes from overeating than by global warming.
I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought.
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