Boliy Generators - Too Good to Be True
Honda shows the EU3000i Handi in the 3000 watt line up just like the Boliy.
What they also have in common is a inverter.
What you will find is that a inverter generator is approximately 50 to 75% lighter than a standers generator.
By using a inverter in there generator it takes the AC high voltage power produced by the generator and converts it to DC.
The inverter than converts the DC power back to AC, making the power clean.
You are asking what does this have to do with weight.
Well the entire process uses a considerable smaller size engine thus helping largely with the weight.
If you take a harder look you will see that the Boliy Pro 3600Si VS.
Honda EU3000i Handi is a better generator for 1/2 the cost.
Let's compare: Boliy Pro 3600Si DISPLACEMENT: 171CC AC Output: 120V 3000W RATED (3300W max.
) DRY WEIGHT: 70lbs.
Cost: $1,099.
00 Honda EU3000i Handi DISPLACEMENT: 163CC AC Output: 120V 2600W RATED (3000W max.
) DRY WEIGHT: 78lbs.
Cost: $2,429.
00 The Honda is a outstanding product and have the sales to show for it.
Boliy is new to the USA in the last few years but is taking the generator world by storm with a true light weight 3000 watt inverter generator made to be portable for camping and the RV user.