What is a Home Life Organizer?
A home life organizer can help busy people keep their plates spinning, their ducks in a row, and their balls in the air! In short, a home life organizer will help a client with the mundane tasks that life requires, so that he can return home after a stressful day at work and enjoy living again.
Stressed professionals should ask themselves, what do I really hate doing? What do I not hate doing, but have trouble finding the time to do? What are my weaknesses in managing my home life? For some it may be picking up the dry cleaning on Thursday afternoons.
For others it may be dropping the dog at the groomer's once a month on the other side of town.
Still others may find that the clutter that has accumulated in the spare bedroom haunts them, but finding the time to declutter the room eludes their best efforts.
A home life organizer we spoke with assures would-be clients, "These are precisely the types of tasks and errand running services that a good home life organizer can complete.
" Another name often given to a home life organizer is "personal concierge" or a home personal assistant.
Clients should use home life organizer services in the same way they utilize a concierge at an upscale hotel.
Just as a concierge can make your vacation more relaxing and enjoyable, a personal concierge can improve your quality of life.
" One personal concierge in Newtown PA says of her clients, "Often times a client is so snowed under when he contacts me that he may not even be able to decipher what weekly or monthly tasks could be delegated to me.
The ironic part is that the client is wonderful at delegating assignments in his work world - that is where my expertise comes into play.
" Home life organizers cannot only help you to complete tasks like grocery and birthday present shopping, home maintenance scheduling and oversight, or pet care, they can also help you determine what services might be most beneficial to improving the quality of your life.
For instance, if a professional travels regularly for work, or if a family enjoys frequent vacations, the arrangements that have to be made to maintain the household in the client's absence can be daunting.
Plants need watered, dogs need care, deliveries need received, and newspapers must be retrieved from the driveway.
Various house-sitting services in Bucks County can manage all those tasks with one phone call - an affordable luxury for a stressed client.
Our author reminds busy clients that, "A home life organizer can give you back the time you need to enjoy the things you love - your family, your home and maybe a round of golf or two.