Yeast Infection Cure - The Secret Treatment Your Mother Never Told You About!
They claim to work within 3-7 days, but many of them take much longer to kick in and then there are those that have horrible side effects when you take them.
So to avoid these horrid side effects, we turn to home remedies, but are these home remedies actually as useful and as potent as their store bought counterparts? The truth is that if you're looking for a yeast infection cure, there are many available which are just as powerful and just as potent as the ones you'll find at your local drugstore.
One of the most popular home yeast infections is yogurt.
Yes, yogurt.
Of course, this will have to be sugar free yogurt because if we use yogurt with sugar in it that's only going to be food for the yeast.
So all you have to do is get yourself a tampon dip that into the sugar free yogurt and then insert that vaginally.
Leave that in for about 30 minutes, maybe 45 and after that, remove it.
You can repeat this process two to three times a day.
What will happen is the healthy bacteria that is found within the yogurt will help stave off the harmful yeast.
If you can get enough of this good bacteria in your system, you'll be able to reset the balance of power between your healthy bacteria and the harmful yeast.
You see this yeast is normally occurring in your body and it only causes problems when it starts growing out of control.
By using this technique, you will help reset the balance and hopefully within two weeks you'll be rid of a yeast infection.
While this is a powerful home yeast infection cure this won't get to the root of the problem.
In order to stop these infections from recurring, you'll need to get rid of the yeast spores.
These yeast spores, can't even be taken out by over-the-counter medication that is why you keep having recurring yeast infections.
There are however products which can get rid of the spores.
You just need to know what a look for them.