Online Dating - Have You Found The One For You Online?
That is a big mistake...
because rarely are both people on the same "page".
One may think it is monogamous and there will be plans to actually meet in the near future.
While the other thinks the relationship is just online entertainment! Have you found the one for you online? If you have to ask that question, I sincerely doubt it.
Sometimes we may have found the one for us online, but it really isn't a relationship right now.
Along the way, each of you should stop and evaluate where you currently are! I made the mistake think I had a good online "friend".
But little did I know my "friend" had given notice to his employer that he was relocating! When he told me that I was happy for him! "Wow! That is great! Where are you going?" I was still clueless that he thought we had that type of relationship! To be sure you have found the one for you online; whenever you are confused about anything, both of you have to be willing to stop, right where you are and lay it all out on the table.
You might be surprised where the other persons head is at! That is one of the draw backs with online dating.
If you were face to face with someone, wanting to clarify the relationship, their body language would answer all of your questions within seconds! Have you found the one for you online? Only if the both of you are sure.
It doesn't work if only one of you is sure!