First Step for Getting Out of Debt
Start with counting your money, you must know how much is coming in and how much is going out.
Next start looking for ways to cut down on your expenses.
There are several ways you can cut down on your expenses, if you try hard enough you can find ways to save on all your utility bills, you can also find ways to save on your grocery bill by buying cheaper brands, and larger quantities where it is more economical to do so.
You should always make a list before you go shopping, with the aim of buying only what's on your list and getting it all in one trip, so you can save on gas.
When you shop for clothes remember you don't always have to buy the latest styles, wait, and do some shopping when there is a sale.
Okay now that you have taken the first step for getting out of debt, the easy way to do all of the above is to make a budget.
As you make your budget look back to see where your money went last month, what bills you paid and whether or not you absolutely needed all the things you bought.
Make some cut backs where you can, start small and don't be too rigid at first for you may not stick with it, don't let your feelings get in the way either, remember this is for you to get out of debt so that things can be better, if you need to, get someone to help you.
Pay bills on time to avoid late fees and added interest, keep records of the due date for all your bills, and get in the habit of paying them as soon as they come in, that way you will avoid using the money for your bill payment on something else.
Prioritize your spending - needs verses want.
You need water, electricity, gas, and food, a roof over your head and to some extent, clothes, entertainment, and recreation.
Try to earn more money- if you have a particular skill on talent you can use to earn some more money on the side you should use it, and put the money to a much-needed cause, like starting a saving so you can have some money in case of an emergency.
You have gotten this far because you were not afraid to take the first step for getting out of debt, now don't stop when things begin to improve, stick with your plan till you become debt free, and please do not go back into any unnecessary debt.