Self Defense Programs Can Protect You From Legal Issues As Well As Criminals
If someone breaks into your home and you hurt them, they can actually sue you and win! If a thug tries to mug you on the street but you are able to beat them up, they could actually mug you legally in court.
So when someone attacks you, the urge to teach them a real lesson needs to be somewhat restrained.
Luckily, under the guidance of the likes of Chris Pizzo and other experts you can learn moves that will end an attack so quickly that no one will be able to accuse you of excessive force.
Captain Chris and his fellow trainers have been trained in all sorts of moves and he has seen fit to show the general public how to use them.
So you could be walking down the street, minding your own business when suddenly a local tough thinks that attacking you will be a fun exercise.
There is no one around so they can do as they please.
If the person they have set on happens to have learned proper self defense moves, the thug has made a couple of enormous mistakes.
First of all, they will not realize until it's too late that you have the ability to beat them senseless.
And secondly, there is no one around to witness the ensuing carnage so they have no one to collaborate their story of being the victim when you have beaten them black and blue for their indiscretion.
Sometimes there will be witnesses who will stay out of the whole affair.
Yes, sadly people in the modern era adopt an apathetic stance when they see street violence take place before their eyes.
This is probably understandable as they are afraid of being the victim of repercussions if the thug gets a good look at them.
This makes it more important than ever to learn the moves that self defense experts can show you.
Captain Chris says that such moves are certain to end any attack in your favor and they will also ensure that you are never seen as the aggressor in the eyes of the law.
This is extremely pertinent in the era of the modern cowardly criminal.
They get beaten up after an unsuccessful mugging and try to play the pity card.
The thing is, with the new and improved self defense programs available, they won't even have the opportunity to do that.
This is because the moves will dismantle them within a few seconds.
Chris Pizzo believes that if you have used one of moves correctly once, you will not have to use another one as your attacker will be on the ground twitching.
No court can do anything about this as you were defending yourself and as you struck only once, you cannot be accused of excessive force or anything of the sort.
So rather than waste time and effort on a self defense program that is not really effective and will require you to expend huge amounts of energy to fend off your assailant, look at the alternative programs around that can teach you how to end matters quickly and in your favor.
These programs teach moves that are so effective that just one blow executed correctly can end any attack.