Article Marketing - Want to Improve Your Article Pulling Power?
You will have to create some kind of spreadsheet or worksheet so that you can monitor what happened last month with your articles and traffic and make subtle changes on a regular basis to see the pulling power of your articles increase.
The pulling power of your articles depends on several things.
It depends on the keywords you choose to include in them, it depends on the article directories you choose to submit to, it includes on the quality of the content you write about in your articles, it depends on the numbers of articles you choose to submit each week and it depends on the call to action you create in your resource box.
-Don't get too bogged down with keywords.
Just choose a set of ten keywords, including them in your articles and them check after a month which articles are pulling in the most readers and the most clicks to your site.
-It is vitally important that you submit your articles to the more popular directories.
By doing this you almost guarantee that your articles will be read by the people in your demographics.
Check online for the article directories that have the highest page ranks.
-When you write your articles make sure you are writing on topics that your readers are interested in.
There is no point is repeating content that can be found almost anywhere online.
Write about the hot topic of the day.
-You need to know how many articles you need to write and submit to generate the number of new subscribers you need to your list each month.
You can do this by working out your current income per subscriber against your goal.
-Last, but not least you need to monitor test various resource boxes in your articles to see which one encourages the greater number of readers to click through to your landing page.