Is Brushing a Dog"s Teeth Necessary?
Brushing a dog's teeth to many pet owners may seem a little strange.
But, these same people regularly brush their own teeth on a daily basis.
People have come to understand that preventing tooth decay is far easier, and definitely less painful, than allowing your teeth to rot.
Consequently, if you want to prevent your dog from enduring the pain that tooth decay can bring, then your going to have to brush your pet's teeth on a regular basis.
If more evidence was needed the American Veterinary Dental Society issued a report, which revealed, that by three years of age, nearly 80% of dogs are showing definite signs of dental disease.
The main problem is plaque.
The formation of plaque is most frequently caused by feeding a dog the wrong type of diet, and neglecting to brush a dog's teeth.
Plaque represents a serious threat to your dog's dental health.
But, the easiest, and most successful way to remove this yellowy/brown mixture of saliva and rotting food is by brushing it away.
If it's left to fester the bacterial agent in plaque sets up a chemical reaction that can, and often will, badly erode the tissue of the gums.
This virtually guarantees the loss of your dog's teeth.
Once mineralised plaque becomes tartar.
And when tartar is allowed to build up it poses a serious threat to the roots of the teeth, because it forces back the gum margins.
More loss of teeth, and a whole lot of pain is the usual outcome.
The type of food that you feed your dog has a big role to play in the prevention of canine tooth decay.
Don't feed your dog mushy or sloppy dinners.
Only feed food that has some substance to it.
Dog mixer and kibble is good.
Likewise, give her hard dog biscuits, and carrots, which also have a definite crunch factor.
Another asset in the battle against canine tooth decay are dog toys.
The scraping effect that arises from a dog's aggressive chewing of these toys is almost like dragging a firm squeegee across the teeth.
Not all dog toys are suitable; make sure that they are reasonably flexible.
Bones, and many of the rigid dog toys will always carry the threat of fracturing teeth, and the equal possibility of getting lodged in the dog's gullet.
Sugar based treats are a definite no-no.
Now we've arrived at the really scary part.
How do you brush a dog's teeth? 1.
With kindness, forethought, patience, a sense of humor, and the inevitable treat.
First off-Don't use human toothpastes; dogs are freaked by the foam and hate the taste.
The type that contains the antiseptic "chlorhexidine" is definitely the best.
What type of toothbrush? Don't use yours.
Buy one that is made specifically for canine use.
Getting his teeth cleaned comes slightly above visiting the vet on any dog's pet hate list.
Rehearsals are the best way to overcome these fears.
Set aside a specific area of the home where this simple task is going to be performed.
Opening, and the general handling of a dog's mouth should have begun from early puppyhood.
Initially all that it entails is gently touching the face, the nose and the mouth, and talking to him, gently and lovingly.
Don't push the process.
Always end it with a treat.
Carry on with this process, and gradually prolong the time that you spend examining the mouth.
Repeat, and your pup will soon come to realise that mouth examinations equals treats.
The evidence of this is tail wagging when you take him to your pre-arranged teeth cleaning area.
Next, begin with the command "Open", and then you open his mouth.
Gently run your finger along his teeth, mimicking a brushing motion, and finish with a treat.
Get him used to the entire teeth cleaning process, but without using the actual brush and toothpaste.
Constant rehearsals equals peak performance on the big day.
Oh, and the treats have a little bit to do with it.
Your dog is going to adore the real thing! OK.
You've done the hard part here's the easy bit.
You need to remember that your dog is exceptionally devious, and the first strategy that is going to enter his head is to try to lick that toothpaste right off the brush.
You need to be as cunning.
Your going to outwit him by pressing the toothpaste deep in to the bristles of the brush.
Keep on talking to him in a gentle and soothing manner.
As soon as he appears relaxed, open his mouth, whilst using the "Open" command, and lightly brush a few teeth down one side.
Stop, and give him the bribe; sorry treat.
Repeat the process later, only this time brush more of your dog's teeth.
Eventually you'll find that you'll be able to clean the insides and the tops of his teeth.
Easy-peasy wasn't it? If you've got a real bad boy, and all of your efforts are thwarted, oral gels are on sale at pet shops.
You simply rub a few drops daily on to your pet's teeth and gums.
Try to hang in there though, even if your dog turns in to a wriggling, brawling, all-in wrestler.
If you only succeed in being able to brush, or just rub, toothpaste on to the outside of his teeth, the potent mixture of your dog's tongue and saliva will help to clean the tooth surfaces and inner gums to some degree.
Providing that you persevere with this process, and that your pet has capitulated to the inevitable.
Brushing your dog's teeth on a fairly regular basis will definitely become a source of intense pleasure to you, and to your dog.
Coming a close second to squeezing his anal sac.
But, these same people regularly brush their own teeth on a daily basis.
People have come to understand that preventing tooth decay is far easier, and definitely less painful, than allowing your teeth to rot.
Consequently, if you want to prevent your dog from enduring the pain that tooth decay can bring, then your going to have to brush your pet's teeth on a regular basis.
If more evidence was needed the American Veterinary Dental Society issued a report, which revealed, that by three years of age, nearly 80% of dogs are showing definite signs of dental disease.
The main problem is plaque.
The formation of plaque is most frequently caused by feeding a dog the wrong type of diet, and neglecting to brush a dog's teeth.
Plaque represents a serious threat to your dog's dental health.
But, the easiest, and most successful way to remove this yellowy/brown mixture of saliva and rotting food is by brushing it away.
If it's left to fester the bacterial agent in plaque sets up a chemical reaction that can, and often will, badly erode the tissue of the gums.
This virtually guarantees the loss of your dog's teeth.
Once mineralised plaque becomes tartar.
And when tartar is allowed to build up it poses a serious threat to the roots of the teeth, because it forces back the gum margins.
More loss of teeth, and a whole lot of pain is the usual outcome.
The type of food that you feed your dog has a big role to play in the prevention of canine tooth decay.
Don't feed your dog mushy or sloppy dinners.
Only feed food that has some substance to it.
Dog mixer and kibble is good.
Likewise, give her hard dog biscuits, and carrots, which also have a definite crunch factor.
Another asset in the battle against canine tooth decay are dog toys.
The scraping effect that arises from a dog's aggressive chewing of these toys is almost like dragging a firm squeegee across the teeth.
Not all dog toys are suitable; make sure that they are reasonably flexible.
Bones, and many of the rigid dog toys will always carry the threat of fracturing teeth, and the equal possibility of getting lodged in the dog's gullet.
Sugar based treats are a definite no-no.
Now we've arrived at the really scary part.
How do you brush a dog's teeth? 1.
With kindness, forethought, patience, a sense of humor, and the inevitable treat.
First off-Don't use human toothpastes; dogs are freaked by the foam and hate the taste.
The type that contains the antiseptic "chlorhexidine" is definitely the best.
What type of toothbrush? Don't use yours.
Buy one that is made specifically for canine use.
Getting his teeth cleaned comes slightly above visiting the vet on any dog's pet hate list.
Rehearsals are the best way to overcome these fears.
Set aside a specific area of the home where this simple task is going to be performed.
Opening, and the general handling of a dog's mouth should have begun from early puppyhood.
Initially all that it entails is gently touching the face, the nose and the mouth, and talking to him, gently and lovingly.
Don't push the process.
Always end it with a treat.
Carry on with this process, and gradually prolong the time that you spend examining the mouth.
Repeat, and your pup will soon come to realise that mouth examinations equals treats.
The evidence of this is tail wagging when you take him to your pre-arranged teeth cleaning area.
Next, begin with the command "Open", and then you open his mouth.
Gently run your finger along his teeth, mimicking a brushing motion, and finish with a treat.
Get him used to the entire teeth cleaning process, but without using the actual brush and toothpaste.
Constant rehearsals equals peak performance on the big day.
Oh, and the treats have a little bit to do with it.
Your dog is going to adore the real thing! OK.
You've done the hard part here's the easy bit.
You need to remember that your dog is exceptionally devious, and the first strategy that is going to enter his head is to try to lick that toothpaste right off the brush.
You need to be as cunning.
Your going to outwit him by pressing the toothpaste deep in to the bristles of the brush.
Keep on talking to him in a gentle and soothing manner.
As soon as he appears relaxed, open his mouth, whilst using the "Open" command, and lightly brush a few teeth down one side.
Stop, and give him the bribe; sorry treat.
Repeat the process later, only this time brush more of your dog's teeth.
Eventually you'll find that you'll be able to clean the insides and the tops of his teeth.
Easy-peasy wasn't it? If you've got a real bad boy, and all of your efforts are thwarted, oral gels are on sale at pet shops.
You simply rub a few drops daily on to your pet's teeth and gums.
Try to hang in there though, even if your dog turns in to a wriggling, brawling, all-in wrestler.
If you only succeed in being able to brush, or just rub, toothpaste on to the outside of his teeth, the potent mixture of your dog's tongue and saliva will help to clean the tooth surfaces and inner gums to some degree.
Providing that you persevere with this process, and that your pet has capitulated to the inevitable.
Brushing your dog's teeth on a fairly regular basis will definitely become a source of intense pleasure to you, and to your dog.
Coming a close second to squeezing his anal sac.