The Causes of Chronic Insomnia
Although we do suffer from these things from time to time there are people who have the problem to such a degree that it becomes chronic.
It would seem for these people that sleeping through the night is just not something that is ever going to happen again, and they have such a difficult time functioning during their daily lives that it becomes dangerous to do such things as driving.
What are the causes of chronic insomnia and is there anything that can be done about it? Chronic insomnia is caused by a variety of different things.
For many people, and by far it would seem the majority, the underlying cause of chronic insomnia is depression.
It could also be cause by a number of other things, such as panic or anxiety attacks, an inability to stop worrying about everyday things, and medical problems such as kidney or heart problems.
I know that for me, I had the problem for quite some time and it was caused by a severe case of sleep apnea.
It's interesting to note that almost 70% of all people that suffer from depression also suffer from chronic insomnia, and that usually needs to be treated professionally.
For those of us that suffer from chronic insomnia and want to do something about it then it becomes necessary for us to treat the underlying cause and to find a way to free ourselves to get that good night's sleep that we all desire.