Body Cleanse Using The Restricted eating Method
A restricted eating body cleanse has two primary benefits. Firstly it's used to detoxify the body of unwanted waste build up and secondly it's a very fast way of losing a surprising amount of weight.
Toxic build up.
Body cleansing has been in use for a long time, but is more important in this era because of the level of toxins we are exposed to ... mostly inadvertently because we do not have a much control over the air we breathe or the water we drink. There is a measure of control over the food we eat, but a conscious effort has to be made to choose organic foods with no additives.
Our water is continually recycled, processed and re-used, some say the water we drink has already passed through at least seven kidneys. It would be full of bacteria if it wasn't dosed with chlorine, ostensibly a poison, but deemed safe for human consumption. As we all know the air we breath is full of all sorts of toxic substances from car exhausts, manufacturing waste and the billions of people breathing out carbon dioxide. The foods we eat contain a plethora of preservatives, colorants and other additives. The result of ingesting all these indigestible elements is that they lie around the body hindering it's normal bodily functions and can cause disease.
Why do we need to detox?
1. It is essential to rid our bodies of the toxic waste build up it can't digest. A thick layer of plaque like substance forms a layer inside our intestine greatly reducing the absorption of nutrients.
2. Helps clear the hard waste material build up in the joints.
3. Promotes healthy cleansing organs like the liver, the kidneys and the bowel.
4. Helps to encourage healthy eating once you are back to prime health and re-energized, you very often want to stay that way.
Cleansing and weight loss.
1. This type of cleans entails very limited food intake for a short enough period not to slow down your metabolism, so you will lose a chunk of weight quickly.
2. This type of cleanse is a short and sharp, you would need to stop eating solids for a short period and live on a diet of essential nutrients only.
3. It is not a crash diet this is a scientifically designed cleansing diet to promote a healthy body by getting rid of all your unwanted waste material, with the fortunate by-product of fast weight loss.
After completing a restrictive diet body cleanse you will feel completely recharged and invigorated. There is also a very good chance of you changing your eating habits as a natural progression. There are documented cases of people curing long standing illnesses, some people are known to have cleared up acne and there is a good chance your skin tone will dramatically improve.
Toxic build up.
Body cleansing has been in use for a long time, but is more important in this era because of the level of toxins we are exposed to ... mostly inadvertently because we do not have a much control over the air we breathe or the water we drink. There is a measure of control over the food we eat, but a conscious effort has to be made to choose organic foods with no additives.
Our water is continually recycled, processed and re-used, some say the water we drink has already passed through at least seven kidneys. It would be full of bacteria if it wasn't dosed with chlorine, ostensibly a poison, but deemed safe for human consumption. As we all know the air we breath is full of all sorts of toxic substances from car exhausts, manufacturing waste and the billions of people breathing out carbon dioxide. The foods we eat contain a plethora of preservatives, colorants and other additives. The result of ingesting all these indigestible elements is that they lie around the body hindering it's normal bodily functions and can cause disease.
Why do we need to detox?
1. It is essential to rid our bodies of the toxic waste build up it can't digest. A thick layer of plaque like substance forms a layer inside our intestine greatly reducing the absorption of nutrients.
2. Helps clear the hard waste material build up in the joints.
3. Promotes healthy cleansing organs like the liver, the kidneys and the bowel.
4. Helps to encourage healthy eating once you are back to prime health and re-energized, you very often want to stay that way.
Cleansing and weight loss.
1. This type of cleans entails very limited food intake for a short enough period not to slow down your metabolism, so you will lose a chunk of weight quickly.
2. This type of cleanse is a short and sharp, you would need to stop eating solids for a short period and live on a diet of essential nutrients only.
3. It is not a crash diet this is a scientifically designed cleansing diet to promote a healthy body by getting rid of all your unwanted waste material, with the fortunate by-product of fast weight loss.
After completing a restrictive diet body cleanse you will feel completely recharged and invigorated. There is also a very good chance of you changing your eating habits as a natural progression. There are documented cases of people curing long standing illnesses, some people are known to have cleared up acne and there is a good chance your skin tone will dramatically improve.