When your will is all that you have so as to survive
In Tarot there are some cards which reflect the ability to survive. Even when there seems to be no hope coming from anywhere. When resources required for survival seem to be extinct. When all the doors have closed and in spite of accepting suffering and humiliation. You do not seem to find a way or the means for survival. When times turn bad; finding help from people is a foolish hope. People and relatives will only show support when you are climbing the ladder of success and prosperity. When you fall from any height you can only look for god. When there seems to be no help coming your way. You have no choice but to accept that ending is also a part of life. At times like these; what makes us keep moving or pass through those moments. Is our will power or one's emotional stamina.
The Strength card in the pack of 78 Tarot cards is a very important card. Being a Major Arcane card it's importance is more paramount in any reading. This card implies a difficult phase in life. Where struggle has been accepted as part of life but to survive through the present crisis or to sail through this mess; is the need of the hour. This card implies that the concerned person is not new to suffering, is blessed with wisdom and intelligence. However, there is no external resource or help to bail him or her out of this trouble. The only resource that is there is the inner strength of this person. What one can do with his or her will power; is something that no one else can do for them. Optimum use of will power is no magic or co-incidence. At times we do not even know what we are capable of. When this card comes up in a reading. It usually implies that the concerned person is someone blessed with a soul; which is born to survive through hardships. Some people are blessed with sufficient emotional capacity to accept sufferings and their tolerance level is much more than normal. The only problem for someone who has reached this level of thinking is their outlook towards life and survival. For them life is a barren and a bitter journey; which needs to be undertaken due to lack of choices.
Losses are a part of life. We keep loosing materialistic possessions through out our life. A strained relationship or loosing out on any relationship is like a bruise on our souls. If you are blessed with a clingy temperament then any emotional loss is like stabbing your heart with a knife. Relationships are extremely sensitive and not within anyone's control. Emotions are extremely volatile. When emotions take control of your mind. One tends to forget that every course of action leads to a consequence; which could be far more troublesome than one can imagine. Not getting something that one desires the most. Is an emotional loss which is very difficult to accept even if one is wise and blessed with a placid temperament. How one accepts loss is something that varies from person to person. Some people refuse to accept it or acknowledge its presence. Where as some people accept every loss they come across. They accept it in silence and weep within themselves. To accept something that is bitter, traumatic and painful. Reflects the maturity and wisdom of that person. We all suffer but people who suffer in silence are those who cover their wounds. Irrespective how painful, bloody and sore those bruises are.
The Death card from the Tarot pack. Is a card ruled by the planet Pluto and corresponds to the Scorpio zodiac. Pluto is a very stubborn, intense, vengeful and a karmic planet. Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac and gives an ability to its natives. Whereby they can rise from their own ashes. Some of the most prominent souls in history have been Scorpios. Indira Gandhi was a Scorpio. A lady who was born to rule and survive through the tragedies of her life. what the Death card implies is a very strong will power or a very willful temperament. Inner strength which is next to stubbornness. You can never force a Scorpio to do something they do not wish to do. However this card brings an ending; a phase or an event in one's life. Event which is very close to one's heart. This makes it very difficult for the native to accept the outcome of this ending and acknowledge its existence. Whether the native accepts this ending or not. Some facts in life remain unchanged. If the native is stubborn or clingy then the situation or the circumstances portrayed by the card are far more extreme and beyond the reach of the native. Some doors which close; are closed forever. There is no way to reopen those gates.
However, this is not the end of the world. The will power, emotional stamina and the intelligence of the native is extremely resourceful and fertile. Which gives the native an ability to survive the trauma and regenerate from this disaster. What remains unchanged is the feeling of bitterness and an extreme urge to take revenge. Revenge is a feeling which we all experience at some point or the other. Whether it is ethical or no, is something I cannot comment on. To each his own. What I know is that the feeling of revenge consumes a lot of energy within. Energy that could be used in an optimum manner gets wasted. We also end up wasting a lot of our resources so as to seek revenge. Whether it turns out fruitful in the end is something that only time can tell. However, let me also state that revenge as a feeling gives some of us an unknown hope to survive. In life what is important is survival. Irrespective how one achieves it. We may talk about ethics and morals, unfortunately what matters in the end is the result.   Â
The purpose of my articles or blogs is to ensure that my readers gain something. In this article I have covered different emotions corresponding to Major Arcane cards namely the Strength card and the Death card. There are times when we feel, we do not have the courage to face a particular situation or event. For reasons unknown to us. During this phase one can meditate on the Strength card. Keep looking at the card and try recalling its meaning or relevance of the picture as much as one can understand. All you need is a pack of cards. You don't need to buy a book if you are short of money. Card meanings can be obtained from the World Wide Web. There are so many good websites on tarot cards. The meditation that is mentioned, please try to do it on a Saturday or a Tuesday, a few minutes before sunset. Light a candle or an essence and try to meditate near the sea or even a well will do. I am not saying this will create miracles but on an emotional level this will make you more receptive so as to accept the suffering.
If you are in a situation where a relationship has ended and your heart doesn't allow you to move on. Then meditate on the Death card. You need to understand one thing. What belongs to us comes to us. So, if a relationship has ended. It only implies that the person was not there in your karma. You need to let that person go. Everyone has a choice to make and we need to respect that. What one can do is. At the time of meditating on the Death card. Pray that the wounds of your heart and soul are healed. Pray that the failure does not affect you or create an obstacle for you to love someone more deserving. Pray that love comes in your life in the form of a more deserving partner. Someone, who is there in your Karma. Someone who will make you accept life the way it is. At times pain is important in life otherwise we do not understand the importance and value of pleasure. Pain can also be a source of pleasure. Life is too vast and complicated. Emotions are relative in nature and difficult to understand. To accept is the only alternative we have so as to survive. Since you are reading, this article of mine. I will pray that you find all the happiness you deserve. Amen.