How This Book Review Writing Template Delivers 5 Articles an Hour and Has Two Hidden Benefits

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Book reviews are a great way to increase your writing efforts.
With many small business owners, sales professionals, C-Level executives being great readers and leaders, why not share what you just read with everyone else.
During the last couple of days, I simplified this writing process.
By using this template, I was submitting 5 articles per hour.
Here is my template.
Using Word or any other word processing program, on the first line write the title of the book along with the author .
Skip a space and on the next line write a title using what you gleamed from the book.
This title should be somewhat engaging and keyword rich.
Next enter your key words.
Remember to include the type of book it is such as sales, marketing, etc.
To be able to write 5 articles in one hour, you should be reviewing books within the same genre such as business.
This way the keywords do not change very much.
Next write the first paragraph (no more than 3 sentences) as a teaser to entice the reader to read the complete book review.
Use the first two sentences as your summary or teaser.
Your second paragraph shares the name of the author, the book title and a very broad overview of the book.
This is linked back to the first paragraph.
You already know the title because it is on the first line of the document.
Paragraph number three is where you explain how the book is constructed by using the table of contents.
Many business books for example divide the manuscript into sections or parts.
In this paragraph you can also let the reader know if there is a bibliography, index, glossary, etc.
The next several paragraphs actually shared key points from the book.
Let the reader know if you agree or disagree with the author.
The final paragraph is a summary and may be a positive or negative recommendation.
Personally, I only write positive recommendations because why would I want to encourage reading a negative review.
There is far too much negativity to go around.
Also, you may wish to write a special resource box for your articles.
By using this template, you can increase the quality of the articles you write, the quantity and most importantly the traffic to your website.
The hidden benefits are two-fold.
First, you are now even more viewed as an expert because you have taken the time to share what you gained from a particular book.
Second, is if you have an Amazon account, you can easily copy and paste a couple of paragraphs into their book recommendations.
Now you have an additional stream of traffic coming to your website.
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