Read This - Lasting Longer in Bed For Men - Review and Enjoy
I certainly don't want it to be my wife or girlfriend writing one of those letters.
There are some things that you can do to make sure you will be lasting longer in bed.
For men the idea of having sex should not leave you worried every time.
The ways of being able to go that extra mile in bed involve emotional, physical and mental techniques.
The sexual experience is a combination of these things and you will find that your coming early is caused by one of them.
Let's look at the emotional aspect.
Being tense and worried will cause you to ejaculate early.
When you are tense the body responds by making the process a quick one for you so that it's over and done with.
The flip side of the coin also has the same effect.
Being overly excited before sex will make it one of the shortest experiences you will ever undertake.
Learning to be in control of your emotions will contribute to you lasting longer in bed.
For men this comes after much practice.
You can also try some mind control methods.
Ejaculation should not take you by surprise.
You should be mentally aware when that moment is approaching and delay it.
You can do this by relaxing your breathing and taking deep slow breaths.
When you tense up and take rapid, shallow breaths; that's a one way ticket that will cause you early ejaculation.
If you want to be lasting longer in bed, for men there is so much information you shouldn't have to be clueless as to what to do about it.
Get to know other ways and techniques besides the common ones.