BC Arts Council Grants
- Artists in British Columbia can apply for grants from the BC Arts Council.canadian offices in vancouver image by Peter Shersby from Fotolia.com
Artists and art nonprofit organizations in Canada's Pacific Northwest are served by the British Columbia Arts Council (BCAC). Created in 1995 through legislation passed by the provincial government of British Columbia, BCAC provides funding to individuals and arts groups in the province through grants and scholarships. All applicants for BCAC funds must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents and have one year of residence in the province immediately prior to application. Applications for all grants are available on the BCAC website. - The Project Assistance for Creative Writers program assists professional writers in the genres of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama and juvenile literature. Applicants must have five years of experiences as a professional writer and have at least one work in print. Playwrights are required to have two short plays or one full-length work published. Writers who have outstanding final reports from previous BCAC grants are not eligible. An application for a specific project can be submitted once more after a rejection in a previous grant cycle. Writers must submit a detailed description of their proposed work, a curriculum vitae no longer than three pages, a detailed publication history and a writing sample of no more than 20 pages. There are two levels of assistance: Level 1 awards up to $5,000; level 2 awards up to $10,000. An artist's projected expenses determine the assistance level.
- The Project Assistance for Visual Artists assists craft artists, curators, art critics and visual artists. Two or more artists can apply for the grants as collaborators. Applicants must have at least two years of experience as professional artists, curators or critics. Two levels of grants are available for the creation of projects: an award of up to $5,000 and one up to $10,000. Award amounts depend on the scope of the project. Visual and craft artists must submit a maximum of 19 slides, photographs, digital images or video documentation (maximum 10 minutes on DVD, VHS or 16mm film). Critics and curators are required to submit three copies of published articles or art catalogs, or up to 15 images of the proposed artistic subject with a detailed description.
- Dancers, choreographers, musicians, composers and actors can apply for the Project Assistance for Performing Arts grant. Small ensembles and collectives are also eligible. The award can be used for a maximum of 50 percent of a proposed production, performance or other type of live event. Individuals and small groups must submit a written statement describing the proposed project, a bio for each member of the creative team, a list of required equipment and scripts or scores if applicable. All applicants must be based in the province and provide adequate compensation for any supporting artists hired to assist. A jury grades applications and score them based on artistic achievement, community engagement and feasibility.