Read This Before You Start Hunting For the Next Hot Stock
That is not true.
The reality of investing is that it won't all come together just because you found the next Microsoft or the next Google.
There are quite a few people out there who are very good at physically finding, sorting and filtering the 'best' stocks.
In fact, some of the best stock-filtering systems are free.
Many financial portals, including some of the biggest names out there, have their own stock-filtering systems that are available free of charge.
Some of these systems work extremely well.
But creating a short list of stock picks is not the only thing that will put one's results at the top of the game.
It's not the only thing that will make YOU successful, either.
Other ingredients in the stock market recipe prove to be much more important over time than what stock you own.
The secret is how you combine and mix the ingredients.
The magic is in the order that you do so.
It's the things that you do after you buy the stock or the sector or even the index, as well as the thought process that is going on in your head before, during, and just after you bought.
There is an entire big picture that starts before the very first share of stock you buy.
Winning the stock market game is more than finding a hot stock.
Regardless of who is doing the investing, the core is essentially the same.
Do you want to see how the truly successful make the market work for them, the ones that are really doing it and not just talking up their products? Here is their number one, not-so-secret ingredient.
It's so NOT secret, that people don't even allow themselves to hear it when the masters talk.
It's not the hunt for the perfect stock that will bring the whole show to your doorstep; it's knowing when you are wrong.
If you want to master and win this game, then you are going to have to know when you are wrong.
In the world of investing, this means there will be certain points when you will have to cut your losses.
People think that to win the game, they have to find the next big winner.
It's actually the exact opposite; no, not looking for the next big loser.
You can never lose big.
If you really want to master growing your money in any market condition, then you are going to have to avoid catastrophic losses.
Learn to limit your downside and un-limit your upside.