I Need My Retirement Portfolio to Reach Escape Velocity Soon - Investing in Private Space
As you may or may not know private space flight looks to be quite a growth industry, launching into the future.
Many of these firms already have waiting lists of people who are willing to pay up to $250,000 or more just to go to the edge of space.
And what a thrill it would be something you'd remember for a lifetime.
Okay so, let's talk about this for a second shall we? Specifically the gentleman had asked; "Where Should I Invest to Get in on the New Private Space Industry?" Well now, this is a decent question, but let me give you my off-the-cuff answer first.
I explained to the gentleman that; Well, I like SpaceX, VirginGalactic, Blue Origin, Sea Launch, and others.
But I think it best to stay diversified, I like the concept of focusing on Material Science companies, as they will be making the light-weight composites, I can recall Jim Cramer on numerous occasions discussing the concept of finding out which companies dominate the component side of the game, then invest in them, and you end up investing in all the companies in the sector, and if one of the players crashes or BKs they still had to buy the components up until the day they failed, while the materials company lives on to sell to all their competitors you see that point? I have many more thoughts on all this, as I run a think tank which happens to operate online.
You see, once you determine the various trajectories of the private space industry then you can concentrate on investing on the component side of things; propulsion, materials, navigation, training, communication, space port real estate, ancillary support services and companies.
That's my thinking on all this.
Now then, some of the more popular companies include Space Ventures, Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, and XCOR.
But I also like Bigelow, Whittinghill, and Armadillo.
Then there are a few companies which may put you into orbit as well such as Space Exploration Tech, Masten Space Systems, and US Aerospace for instance.
Personally, I've been tracking all of these plus the Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin, which remains somewhat secret and not something you can invest in just yet.
Our stock markets were created to help capitalize American Businesses, and what a great deed it would be to invest in our future in space, while also making a little money for yourself and blasting your portfolio into orbit prior to any inflationary or devaluation challenges on our currency doing the same.
Please consider all this and think on it.