How to Introduce a Baby to Table Foods
- 1). Offer your baby fruits to start with. Items such as strawberries, bananas, peaches and kiwi are soft enough for a baby to enjoy and are also sweet so they will enjoy the taste. Mash the fruit up into small pieces and place it on the tray of your baby's highchair. This way your child can select the fruits she likes the best and can feed herself. If you baby has a few teeth you can offer tiny pieces of harder fruit such as apple or pear. You can also bake fruit to soften it, or offer your baby applesauce.
- 2). Cook vegetables until they are soft and offer these to your baby. Remove any tough skins to prevent choking. Items such as sweet potatoes and carrots are good items to start with. You can also try soft, ripe avocado or steamed broccoli. Make sure you cut the vegetables up in small pieces so your child can pick them up and eat them on his own.
- 3). Pasta is another item your baby can start with when learning to eat. Large shell-shaped noodles or bow-tie pasta are easy to pick up and soft to chew. You can add cheese sauce or butter for flavor.
- 4). Adding meat to your baby's menu will help provide the necessary iron to his diet. Wait until your baby has teeth and has gotten comfortable with chewing fruits and vegetables before you introduce the meat. To prevent a choking hazard, start with soft meats such as ground beef or ground chicken. You can also puree the meat before giving it to your baby.
- 5). Dairy products can often cause digestive upsets in young children so it is important to watch for any signs of stomach discomfort, such as diarrhea or excess gas, when you first introduce dairy into your baby's diet. Also watch for any unusual rashes. Cheese is a good item to start with, as well as flavored yogurt. Cottage cheese is also easy to chew and swallow.