When tragedy strikes
If you're open to spiritual advice after a tragic loss you just might be shocked by what you find. In the days after May 11, 2006 our family was in a state if disbelief and shock. The community had come out in massive support. The city was turned upside down in the quest for justice. They call it justice and we called it a second crime on top of the original crime.
The devastation we felt was not unlike other families that have a death of such a young person in the family. The afternoon of May 11, 2006 was the last day my heart beat normally or in sequence of happy mans heart. My daughter was only 16 months and stunning in beauty and motivation like me. Hannah Rose Juceam lost her life in seconds of the killers decision to stop her from crying. Crying is what babies do when they need assistance. Crying is what identifies the child's needs like eating, drinking or a diaper change. The cries for Mom resulted in Hannah's death.
The Juceam family has never been the same since. We have been thrusted into a world of criminal courts, defense lawyer tactics, fraudulent doctors, lenient judges that side with the defendants rights to a trial. Sound familiar to all the stories you have ever heard about crimes? It's the most common thread between all crimes when their is a death and criminal proceedings. Our case was different because Hannah was a baby and babies aren't suppose to die. Hannah was Shaken to death.
Shaken Baby Syndrome kills children after violently Shaken, usually from a frustrated adult who has no control or proper filter that allows the child room to express their needs. Our daughter lost her life for screaming for her mom. In the future postings i will take through the days weeks and years since Hannah's death. I will share the entire story step by step to allow you a chance to stop this from happening to other children around the world. We have an obligation to protect the innocence from attacks.
The devastation we felt was not unlike other families that have a death of such a young person in the family. The afternoon of May 11, 2006 was the last day my heart beat normally or in sequence of happy mans heart. My daughter was only 16 months and stunning in beauty and motivation like me. Hannah Rose Juceam lost her life in seconds of the killers decision to stop her from crying. Crying is what babies do when they need assistance. Crying is what identifies the child's needs like eating, drinking or a diaper change. The cries for Mom resulted in Hannah's death.
The Juceam family has never been the same since. We have been thrusted into a world of criminal courts, defense lawyer tactics, fraudulent doctors, lenient judges that side with the defendants rights to a trial. Sound familiar to all the stories you have ever heard about crimes? It's the most common thread between all crimes when their is a death and criminal proceedings. Our case was different because Hannah was a baby and babies aren't suppose to die. Hannah was Shaken to death.
Shaken Baby Syndrome kills children after violently Shaken, usually from a frustrated adult who has no control or proper filter that allows the child room to express their needs. Our daughter lost her life for screaming for her mom. In the future postings i will take through the days weeks and years since Hannah's death. I will share the entire story step by step to allow you a chance to stop this from happening to other children around the world. We have an obligation to protect the innocence from attacks.