Top 20 Unusual Weapons in Films
11. 'True Romance' (1993)
Weapon: CorkscrewThis makes the list mainly because of the sheer determination and ingenuity of the person using it. Patricia Arquette is a hooker named Alabama who squares off against James Gandolfini’s brutal gangster in this Quentin Tarantino-scripted film. The match-up may appear uneven, but Arquette’s hooker has got a lot of moxie. Even after being beaten up and thrown through a glass shower door she still has the impudence to flip off her attacker. When she grabs a corkscrew to defend herself, the hit man just laughs. But he stops laughing when she stabs him in the foot. And in the end it’s the little girl who survives.More »
12. 'Shaun of the Dead' (2004)
Weapon: LPsIn this brilliant romantic zombie comedy, Simon Pegg’s Shaun finds himself under attack from zombies. Fortunately, these are old school Romero zombies that move ever so slowly. So slow in fact that it gives Shaun plenty of time to react to a pair of zombies invading his backyard. So much time in fact that when he and his roommate decide to throw LPs at the advancing undead, they can argue about each album title to decide which are worth keeping and which can be used as a weapon. Unfortunately, the LPs prove rather ineffective. This one ranks high because of the way the scene is used to poke fun at genre conventions. The weapon chosen is ridiculous and Shaun ends up being the most unlikely action hero.More »
13. 'Braindead,' a.k.a. 'Dead Alive' (1992)
Weapon: Lawnmower
And while we’re dealing with the zombies apocalypse, how about Peter Jackson’s Kiwi horror tale? Braindead’s final showdown finds our hero going out to the shed for a common yard item: a lawnmower. With modified mower in hand, our hero mows down a houseful of the undead. Needless to say, blood and body parts fly. Night of the Creeps may have used a lawnmower as a weapon before Braindead, but Braindead uses it with such flair that it gets the slot here.More »
14. 'Re-Animator' (1985)
Weapon: IntestinesI wasn’t going to include any part of the human body as a weapon (and believe me there have been a few inventive choices, if you recall Scary Movie) but I couldn’t resist Re-Animator. Jeffrey Combs plays Herbert West, a young med student who continues the research of his mentor and experiments with reanimating dead people. But the dead are quite pissed off when they come back. When he kills and reanimates his bitter rival, the dead doc sends his intestines out across the room to strangle West. Now that’s original!More »
15. 'Serial Mom' (1994)
Weapon: Leg of lambLeave it to John Waters to come up with original kills in this suburban satire. Kathleen Turner plays Beverly Sutphin, a June Cleaver-like suburban mom and housewife, and a bastion of American values. She’s outraged by neighbors who don’t recycle and women who commit the fashion faux pas of wearing white shoes after Labor Day. When Beverly deems her neighbor not worthy to live, she pays a sneak visit, picks up a butcher knife, and heads off to kill the woman. But Bev decides against the conventional knife as a weapon and instead picks up a leg of lamb and pummels the lady to death as she watches Annie and sings along to "Tomorrow." Waters proves so good at skewering American middle class morality.More »
16. 'The Last House on the Left' (2009)
Weapon: MicrowaveA microwave isn’t exactly an easy thing to carry around in case of emergencies, but if you’re all set up in, say, your garage or boathouse to get a little revenge on some creepazoid, well then it might just do the trick. And that’s precisely what a pair of parents do when they want to deliver their own brand of justice to the brutal sociopath who attacked their daughter and left her for dead. Of course you can’t fit an entire person in a microwave, but it can do some damage to just their head.More »
17. 'And Now for Something Completely Different' (1971)
Weapon: JokeAnd now for something completely different: Monty Python. And a rather goofy weapon. This Monty Python film is actually made up mostly of sketches from their British TV series. One of the funniest ones involves something called a Killer Joke. It was invented during World War II and translated into German (people who got a hold of just two words were sent to the hospital) to be used as possibly the most unusual weapon of mass destruction.More »
18. 'Single White Female' (1992)
Weapon: Stiletto high heelsHigh heels have often been viewed as a symbol of female power and sexuality. And sometimes that can come in handy as an improvised weapon. Here, Jennifer Jason Leigh plays a pretty little psycho who fixates on her roommate and tries to become her. When the roommate’s boyfriend pays a visit, Leigh uses her heels to make a point. Stilettos have been used before and since, most recently Jessica Alba used red stilettos to kill a hit man in a Mexican wrestling mask in Machete. That’s dressing for success.More »
19. 'Law Abiding Citizen' (2009)
Weapon: T-boneGerard Butler’s Clyde masterminds an elaborate revenge scheme after the men who kill his family get off too easy. At one point, his character makes a deal: information in exchange for a special meal with a Porterhouse steak. The warden doesn’t trust him in the least so when Clyde asks for a steak knife, all he gets is a spork. But Clyde doesn’t need no stinking knife, not when he has a steak with the bone in. After enjoying his meal, he takes the t-bone and stabs his cellmate to death. Yet another reason to go vegetarian.More »
20. 'Brooklyn's Finest' (2009)
Weapon: Zip tieThis film gets high marks for creativity in its choice of weapons, but the film itself is a dud. But kudos to whoever came up with the idea of using a zip tie to strangle an attacker.More »