Spooky Preview: Five Great Halloween Movies on Satellite TV
To get in the creepy, spooky spirit, one of the best options is sitting at home and watching a creepy movie. Most of the time, October is filled with satellite tv channels bringing out all of the classics. For those who don't want to be terrified, there are plenty of relaxed horror films that are a bit more funny than scary, especially considering the special effects. For a perfect Halloween evening, these five films are the best to choose. And since they are so popular, viewers can skip heading to Blockbuster and instead program their televisions to record for later viewing. Or on Halloween night, chances are at least one of these picks will be there on satellite tv to watch.
1. Poltergeist. One of the creepiest films out there, especially as far as the suburbs are concerned. Often imitated yet never duplicated, the creepy story of a possessed house in an ideal suburb is something that many people have found uncannily interesting to watch. The famous television scene has aged well, and the special effects still manage to make viewers shriek and jump. Also, a great alternative for those who aren't interested in gore or zombies.
2. 28 Days Later. The thinking man's horror film, this deals with a world after zombies have taken over, thanks to the unleashing of a strange virus. Director Danny Boyle is also responsible for the gritty indie film "Trainspotting" and the family-friendly Oscar winner "Slumdog Millionaire." This means great directing, a strong script, and an overall movie experience that's anything but kitsch.
3. Nightmare Before Elm Street. The creepy face of Freddy terrified many a young child during the 1980s, but now this film is more hilarious than spooky. However, if you turn on your satellite tv during the month of October, chances are it will be playing on multiple channels at once. Whether it's the over-the-top acting or proto-horror appeal, people have definitely decided that this is one of the best.
4. Gremlins. A bit less creepy and more funny, this is a great pick for those with younger viewers in the house. A comedy/horror hybrid, the cuddly Gizmo is a great example of a likable character trapped in a confusing and overwhelming situation. It's not aged that well, but that only makes watching it all the more entertaining.
5. Scream. Director Wes Craven decided to make a teen-parody of the typical horror genre, and it packed movie theaters during the 1990s. Now that most of the promising young actors who starred in the movie are forgotten names, it's a fun romp through the 1990s with plenty of horror cliches. A great choice for Generation Xers who miss the good old days when slackers reigned supreme. Also the only movie where goofy Matthew Lillard has been anything but adorable.