Role of public opinion and their little concern about Internet activities
Considering the fact that most corporations need to spend a significant amount of money in order to produce a new product, it is indeed a great thing that they are now able to get the relevant information about the people opinion on the product before launching the product officially and it is often noticed that such surveys end up guiding the company in the right direction. Sometimes it might be the case that the product could b e a perfect one if certain features could be tweaked a bit and usually it is noticed that the corporations go back to the drawing in order to improve the product.
So as one can see, the opinion of the people of the country is perhaps the most important in this day and age, however it is also necessary to mention that these surveys would not have been possible without the existence of the internet. In a different day and age people had absolutely no means of conducting such large scale surveys and if they did conduct such an exercise they most certainly ended up spending too much money as well as time on the whole thing. However, with the introduction of the internet the landscape changed completely and in fact it was possible for people to get such crucial information without spending a fortune or by spending a better part of a quarter of a year in order to collect the requisite data. Nowadays, even the most battle hardened political parties depend on the information gathered through surveys in order to come up with their own policies and it has often been noticed that the more seasoned campaigners are adept at twisting their policies if he notices that it might not go down well with those who might be the ones who would be voting him to power.