Wedding Speeches - Make A Wedding Toast In 3 Steps
Start Your Wedding Toast Now
As soon as you find out you are going to make a speech, start working on it straight away. We all have a tendency to put off unpleasant or difficult tasks, but this is not the thing to do. Time will fly and catch you unprepared. You could find yourself without a properly finished speech with the wedding right on top of you, which means you could be under such pressure that you cannot think clearly about what you want to say. If this carries through to the actual day, you could face a very stressful time, including increased nervousness, lack of confidence and, finally, disappointment in yourself.
On the other hand, by starting your preparation early you will remove the time constraints, which allows you to put all your energies into preparing a good wedding toast.
Write Down What You Feel
Think about what you want to say. You will need to gather your thoughts and write them down. The important thing is to take action by writing down your thoughts even though they may be all over the place initially. Simply write what you feel. As you write, more thoughts will come and you will start getting them into some sort of order. You do not have to be eloquent, but you do have to be sincere. If you are sincere, your audience will pick up on this and they will be on your side.
Do the Very Best You Can
Write it and rewrite until you are happy with the finished article. Put the time into your speech so you know it thoroughly. Practice it out loud to yourself or to someone else. Practice your wedding toast as if you were giving it on the day. Hearing yourself deliver the speech will help you fine tune it to the way you want it to sound. It will also give you confidence. When you are happy with the final version, draw up some headings to use as notes.
When the day comes you will feel nervous but that is natural. When the time comes for you to speak, your preparation will give you confidence and your nervousness will soon disappear. In fact, you will find yourself enjoying the experience and your audience will appreciate your efforts and respond with enthusiasm. You will be a big hit.