What to Expect From Your Tummy Tuck Surgery
In a world that is increasingly less active but where portions keep increasing, plenty of people have been fighting the battle of the bulge for longer than they would care to remember.
And while surgery is not the only solution for getting in shape, sometimes those who have made a serious effort to lose weight, only to be confronted with extra skin or other trouble after accomplishing part of one's goal, the idea of a tummy tuck is a perfect middle ground solution between working hard on maintaining a physique and getting the extra help that really makes all the difference in feeling 100 percent accomplished.
Known scientifically as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck can get rid of any sagging or bulging that is happening around one's midsection, the kind of sagging that results from a serious loss or gain of weight.
Whether it's losing considerable weight, changing shape after a pregnancy, or simply dealing with the passage of time, plenty of people have a centralized problem area that responds incredibly well to this particular surgical procedure.
And when it comes to feeling successful, a number of incredibly important goals can be accomplished with a tummy tuck.
It's possible to reveal better muscle tone, achieve a flatter-looking stomach, and enjoy firmer skin that doesn't have stretch marks or scarring.
Basically, most aesthetic desires can be accomplished with a tummy tuck, though it's important to remember that the surgery itself cannot take care of everything in the long run.
For those who are considering a tummy tuck in Chicago, it is important to determine whether or not the procedure is actually a good idea.
This can be done by looking at one's lifestyle and goals, and figuring out if they are in line with what surgeons are looking for when they recommend the surgery to patients.
Generally, it is crucial that patients be in good health--as in not currently obese--and that patients not be planning on future pregnancies.
It is also incredibly helpful if patients are non-smokers, as smoking can be a major health risk.
The surgery itself only requires three weeks of recovery for most patients, with the swelling completely receding and the final product visible in between four to six months.
It is crucial that patients spend the recovery time resting, but that they get back out and active again when they are cleared by their surgeon, as to make the most of the surgery.
Best of all, the procedure itself is incredibly noninvasive.
There will be a few incisions made, and everything is performed under local anesthetic, so that patients will not feel anything while the process is underway.
Surgeons will even consult with patients to determine the best location for the incision based upon typical clothing choices, making the entire experience one that is catered towards making patients feel confident and secure afterwards with their newly contoured physiques.