How to Word Invitations for a 90th Birthday Party
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Ninety-year-olds have experienced so much life.senior with glasses image by Dumitrescu Ciprian from <a href=''></a>
Celebrate the life of the guest of honor beginning with your invitations. Devote a line or two to the celebrant. Write, for example,
You are invited
To join Laura Bell's family and friends
As we gather to admire her wisdom and life
On Saturday, September 19
1:00 pm
At the Brown Palace Tea Room
Please make a contribution
To one of Laura Bell's honored charities
In lieu of gifts - 2). Write a 90th birthday party invitation with a style to match the guest of honor. Refer, for instance, to the celebrant's renowned sense of humor. Such an invitation could read:
Jonas Miller
Has kept children, grandchildren
And all he meets laughing at his jokes
Join Jonas to celebrate 90 years of love and laughter
Monday, 19 September
2:00 pm
Windsor Retirement Community - 3). Write simple lines for a 90th birthday party invitation to communicate the celebrant's elegance in living. Consider:
We request your attendance
To honor Eva Stone
And her remarkable life
On Thursday, October 15
At 3:00
1190 Media Lane