Video: Cutting Celery for Salmon Burger Recipe
Video Transcript
DAVID POSTADA: Hi. This is David for Expert Village. Today we're going to make one of my all- time favorite comfort foods, salmon cakes. Alright, now we've got our green onions ready, our salmon is chilling away before we flake it. We've got the green onions here, we're going to do a couple of ribs of celery. This in the celery is pretty tough so I want to cut that off both sides, you do this at one time and just kinda set that aside. Then, what I like to do since it's going to be fine, it's going to go into your salmon cakes, we want to--probably you just, this is a real small piece, but I will still probably like to cut it length wise a couple of times so it's not as really small and then we can just draw your knife right across like that and you get some real nice small pieces here and just like the green onions, it's going to add some crunch to it, a little bit different flavor. So you got that one and I will do the same thing, this rib is a little bit bigger you can even cut this into fours if you wanted to. So like that, all the way down and then again just draw your knife right here. Then I'm going to have some really nice uniform and small size pieces that are going to go into salmon cakes.