How to Have a Good Day Every Day
Every day is a good day.
Every day is what you make it to be.
Many people categorize some days as good, and others as bad.
It is my belief that every day is what you perceive it to be.
If you perceive it to be bad, then it is bad for you; if you perceive it to be good, then it is good for you.
However, in order for you to have a good day every day, there are some principles to which you must adhere.
(1)Expect to have a good day every day.
Your thoughts have energy, and the thoughts you send out, bring back the corresponding events to you.
Send out negative thoughts, and negative events will return; send out positive thoughts, and positive events will return.
(2) Prioritize your daily tasks.
Each morning when you awake, make a to do list; read it over, then ask yourself this question: "What is important to me today?" Having arrived at the answer, arrange the tasks in order of importance, starting with the most important task, and ending with the least important.
As the tasks are completed, tick them off.
Ensure that you complete at least three of those tasks by the end of the day.
If you can accomplish all of them, great! Prioritizing your tasks is an excellent prerequisite to having a great day every day.
(3) Focus on the present - Today.
As the saying goes,"Yesterday is a cancelled cheque, tomorrow is a promissory note, today is cash, use it wisely.
" Let today be the best day of your life.
Live today as if it was your last day.
Be present in every moment of today.
Focus on today and make it what you want it to be: great, joyous, gantastic.
Remember that today has twenty-four hours, and when those have passed, today is gone forever.
You only have one shot at today, so make it memorable; make it great.
(4) Respond to situations instead of reacting to them.
There are two ways in dealing with situations in life.
One way is to respond, and the other way is to react.
When you respond to a situation, you examine the details, and select the best option to solve the problem, for the good of all concerned.
When you react to the situation, you don't examine the details, instead you allow your emotions to control you, and your actions are spasmodic.
So, it is better to respond to situations every day, and make every day a great day.
(5) Make wise choices.
Man charters his destiny by the choices he makes today.
When your today becomes your yesterday, you will discover that, that day was a result of the choices you make today.
So, make wise choices today, because you are the one, who will have to live with the consequences.
Before you make those choices,keep asking yourself--"Is this in my best interest, and the people involved? Can I live happily with the consequences later in life?" Make wise choices today, and have a great day, every day.
(6) "Your attitude determines your altitude" My teachers always used this quotation.
Yes, people will disappoint you in many ways, on many days.
Bad things will happen many days, but are you going to allow them to spoil your day? You cannot control how things ought to be.
You cannot control how people behave, but you can control your attitude to the circumstances they create.
You can either allow them to make you lose focus of having a great day, or you can determine to stand firm and say, "No matter what happens, today is going to be a great day for me.
I'll do whatever it takes to make it so.
I'll learn what I can from this scenario, and I choose to feel good.
I guarantee that if you use these principles daily, you will discover that you have the recipe for having a great day every day.
I did, and so will you!
Every day is what you make it to be.
Many people categorize some days as good, and others as bad.
It is my belief that every day is what you perceive it to be.
If you perceive it to be bad, then it is bad for you; if you perceive it to be good, then it is good for you.
However, in order for you to have a good day every day, there are some principles to which you must adhere.
(1)Expect to have a good day every day.
Your thoughts have energy, and the thoughts you send out, bring back the corresponding events to you.
Send out negative thoughts, and negative events will return; send out positive thoughts, and positive events will return.
(2) Prioritize your daily tasks.
Each morning when you awake, make a to do list; read it over, then ask yourself this question: "What is important to me today?" Having arrived at the answer, arrange the tasks in order of importance, starting with the most important task, and ending with the least important.
As the tasks are completed, tick them off.
Ensure that you complete at least three of those tasks by the end of the day.
If you can accomplish all of them, great! Prioritizing your tasks is an excellent prerequisite to having a great day every day.
(3) Focus on the present - Today.
As the saying goes,"Yesterday is a cancelled cheque, tomorrow is a promissory note, today is cash, use it wisely.
" Let today be the best day of your life.
Live today as if it was your last day.
Be present in every moment of today.
Focus on today and make it what you want it to be: great, joyous, gantastic.
Remember that today has twenty-four hours, and when those have passed, today is gone forever.
You only have one shot at today, so make it memorable; make it great.
(4) Respond to situations instead of reacting to them.
There are two ways in dealing with situations in life.
One way is to respond, and the other way is to react.
When you respond to a situation, you examine the details, and select the best option to solve the problem, for the good of all concerned.
When you react to the situation, you don't examine the details, instead you allow your emotions to control you, and your actions are spasmodic.
So, it is better to respond to situations every day, and make every day a great day.
(5) Make wise choices.
Man charters his destiny by the choices he makes today.
When your today becomes your yesterday, you will discover that, that day was a result of the choices you make today.
So, make wise choices today, because you are the one, who will have to live with the consequences.
Before you make those choices,keep asking yourself--"Is this in my best interest, and the people involved? Can I live happily with the consequences later in life?" Make wise choices today, and have a great day, every day.
(6) "Your attitude determines your altitude" My teachers always used this quotation.
Yes, people will disappoint you in many ways, on many days.
Bad things will happen many days, but are you going to allow them to spoil your day? You cannot control how things ought to be.
You cannot control how people behave, but you can control your attitude to the circumstances they create.
You can either allow them to make you lose focus of having a great day, or you can determine to stand firm and say, "No matter what happens, today is going to be a great day for me.
I'll do whatever it takes to make it so.
I'll learn what I can from this scenario, and I choose to feel good.
I guarantee that if you use these principles daily, you will discover that you have the recipe for having a great day every day.
I did, and so will you!