Hot Topics to Write About - 14 Ideas to Get You Started
Realize that people will believe you're an expert on the subject because you wrote the booklet, so make sure what you write about is something you won't mind being known for.
Here, then, in no particular order, are some timely topics as well as some evergreen ones for you to consider: 1) Pets - pets are the new kids for the boomers who now find themselves empty nesters, but you don't need to focus only on boomers.
Booklets for parents about how to choose the perfect pet for their family or child, or booklets about pet care would find a waiting market place.
2) Going Green - Anything to do with going green at home or in the office.
This is huge among businesses right now.
Booklets about how to go green in the work place will be welcomed.
3) Saving Money - as prices rise this is on everyone's mind.
4) Making Money - This subject is always fresh.
Everyone wants more.
5) Losing Weight - Ever wonder why there are so many diet books? It's because the market for weight loss products and information is huge.
There's plenty of room here for your booklet.
7) Relationships - Anything from how to have a better marriage to how to find the perfect mate to how to get along with your boss.
This is another timeless subject.
8) Health - My booklets fit into this category.
You can write about ways to stay healthy or focus on a specific health issue.
You could even write about health hazards in the work place.
This is a very broad category.
9) Anything "how to" - "How to" books almost always do well.
So do "how to" booklets.
10) Travel - A timeless classic that never goes out of style.
Someone is always traveling.
You could write about traveling for pleasure or for business.
11) Anything of interest to baby boomers - This is a very large segment of the population today.
The market is wide open.
12) Parenting - Too many possibilities to list.
Parenting teens, parenting toddlers, foster parenting, becoming a new parent, adoption, and the list goes on! Write about timely issues parents are facing today, such as internet safety, or write about something classic such as toilet training.
13) Education - Everything from how to get into the best pre-school to how to get into the best college.
Homeschooling is a hot topic too.
14) Sex - I saved the best for last! This could fall into the relationships category or the health category, or it could be in a category all by itself.
There are tons of things you could write about.
Think about what you know that could help someone else.
Copyright 2009 Kim Hillman