How to Get a Girl"s Number - Become an Alpha Male Now
I've been in your spot so many times before that it isn't even funny.
I used to be very unsuccessful when it came to approaching women.
This issue carried with my through high school and then through college.
I can't let you be where I was anymore.
You need to learn this secret so that you can make a dramatic change in your life and find your luck with women.
My buddies are still amazed at how I am able to pull off this success.
The secret is amazing and it doesn't require all the things that you think that girls want.
Girls aren't as interested in your money.
They really don't care what car you drive (trust me, my car is pretty old).
The girls don't care how you look, what your height is.
They don't care if you have a few extra pounds on you.
They don't care about any of that superficial stuff.
They care about the secret, and that secret is confidence.
Girls can smell it on you.
Its all about the way you carry yourself, your attitude, your approach.
You need to gain that confidence and become the alpha male that all the girls are after.
It is easier to do than you think.
But you need to want it.
You need to put down that remote and explore how to have more luck with girls.
Then, when you approach a girl to get her number you will find out just how easy it can be!