Nsaid Users Can Benefit From Aloeride Aloe Vera
While the benefits of aloe vera are world renown, what you may not know is how aloe vera can help prevent and treat the side effects you may be experiencing from NSAID treatments.
The cases of ulcerations and stomach erosion are on the increase. Understandably so, since there are well over 300 Million people world wide taking Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, or as they are better known as NSAID.
While measures to alleviate the side effects are an ongoing endeavor by NSAID users as well as medical professionals, there have been few strides made in preventing the harmful side effects of NSAID use.
Your doctor may prescribe an NSAID to you for severe tendon, muscle, or joint pain, as well as for inflammation or chronic pain. You may also be a regular user of over the counter NSAID such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen for less severe pain. You, along with millions of other people, have experienced the benefits of treating severe or chronic pain and inflammation with NSAID, as well as their adverse side effects.
NSAID may cause duodenal and stomach erosion, can have adverse effects on your kidneys, and they have even been known to cause asthma to become worse.
Duodenal and stomach erosion have caused bleeding so severe in some people that they have required hospitalization.
This is a very serious condition!
It was reported in the American Journal of Medicine (1998 105-1B: 31S-38S) that NSAID-related deaths in the U.S is higher then those from cervical cancer, malignant melanoma, or asthma.
That should be a very eye-opening revelation to everybody that takes NSAID.
You along with your doctor, must evaluate the benefit to harm ratio of NSAID treatment before determining if such treatment is the best option for your condition. Doctors are now having patients take gastroprotective medications, such as Misoprostol, PPIs, and H2 Receptor Antagonists, in conjunction with an NSAID, in an effort to help offset the side effects. These medication do this by reducing acids which irritate ulcers, lesions, and erosion.
The flip side of that option, however, is that we need acids so that our foods are properly digested and to maintain good digestive tract health.
A better and much more practical approach would be for you to take a mucosoprotective agent, such as Aloeride aloe vera, that will aid in the healing of any existing erosion, and may in fact help prevent them in the first place.
While research by the medical community to find viable alternatives, such as coated proteolytic enzymes is ongoing, that research still has not produced a product that comes anywhere close to the advantageous benefits of NSAID. The occurrence of NSAID-related stomach ulcerations and erosion will continue to grow as long as NSAID are the number one treatment for pain. The side effects of NSAID are of grave concern, as they should be, both in regards to the physical impairments as well as the financial cost entailed by NSAID-related gastrointestinal issues.
There has been extensive research which has concluded that taking at least two Aloeride aloe vera pills every day can help in the prevention and treatment of NSAID side effects. Aloeride can help you in the prevention of ulcers, erosion, and lesions, as well as helping to ease any nausea and abdominal discomfort you may be experiencing from NSAID treatment.
Your body can use an additional agent to help heal and prevent gastroduodenal ulcers. Aloeride aloe vera will give your body that additional agent to help heal and prevent gastroduodenal ulcers.
Aloeride is 100% pure aloe vera with no additives or fillers. It is the only aloe vera product on the market today that is produced under strict pharmaceutical standards.
Aloeride should be your agent of choice in conjunction with NSAID treatment.
Visit A Matter Of Health to discover the benefits of oral aloe vera.
The cases of ulcerations and stomach erosion are on the increase. Understandably so, since there are well over 300 Million people world wide taking Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, or as they are better known as NSAID.
While measures to alleviate the side effects are an ongoing endeavor by NSAID users as well as medical professionals, there have been few strides made in preventing the harmful side effects of NSAID use.
Your doctor may prescribe an NSAID to you for severe tendon, muscle, or joint pain, as well as for inflammation or chronic pain. You may also be a regular user of over the counter NSAID such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen for less severe pain. You, along with millions of other people, have experienced the benefits of treating severe or chronic pain and inflammation with NSAID, as well as their adverse side effects.
NSAID may cause duodenal and stomach erosion, can have adverse effects on your kidneys, and they have even been known to cause asthma to become worse.
Duodenal and stomach erosion have caused bleeding so severe in some people that they have required hospitalization.
This is a very serious condition!
It was reported in the American Journal of Medicine (1998 105-1B: 31S-38S) that NSAID-related deaths in the U.S is higher then those from cervical cancer, malignant melanoma, or asthma.
That should be a very eye-opening revelation to everybody that takes NSAID.
You along with your doctor, must evaluate the benefit to harm ratio of NSAID treatment before determining if such treatment is the best option for your condition. Doctors are now having patients take gastroprotective medications, such as Misoprostol, PPIs, and H2 Receptor Antagonists, in conjunction with an NSAID, in an effort to help offset the side effects. These medication do this by reducing acids which irritate ulcers, lesions, and erosion.
The flip side of that option, however, is that we need acids so that our foods are properly digested and to maintain good digestive tract health.
A better and much more practical approach would be for you to take a mucosoprotective agent, such as Aloeride aloe vera, that will aid in the healing of any existing erosion, and may in fact help prevent them in the first place.
While research by the medical community to find viable alternatives, such as coated proteolytic enzymes is ongoing, that research still has not produced a product that comes anywhere close to the advantageous benefits of NSAID. The occurrence of NSAID-related stomach ulcerations and erosion will continue to grow as long as NSAID are the number one treatment for pain. The side effects of NSAID are of grave concern, as they should be, both in regards to the physical impairments as well as the financial cost entailed by NSAID-related gastrointestinal issues.
There has been extensive research which has concluded that taking at least two Aloeride aloe vera pills every day can help in the prevention and treatment of NSAID side effects. Aloeride can help you in the prevention of ulcers, erosion, and lesions, as well as helping to ease any nausea and abdominal discomfort you may be experiencing from NSAID treatment.
Your body can use an additional agent to help heal and prevent gastroduodenal ulcers. Aloeride aloe vera will give your body that additional agent to help heal and prevent gastroduodenal ulcers.
Aloeride is 100% pure aloe vera with no additives or fillers. It is the only aloe vera product on the market today that is produced under strict pharmaceutical standards.
Aloeride should be your agent of choice in conjunction with NSAID treatment.
Visit A Matter Of Health to discover the benefits of oral aloe vera.