Read This Article If You Are Worried About Global Warming
They are saying that the ocean will rise over 18-feet, can you imagine that? Where do you live? Eighteen feet is higher than many islands on our Planet, think of all the islands like Bangladesh and others.
It would flood all of the Netherlands and well you can completely forget New Orleans.
Did you know that two-thirds of our population in the United States lives within 35 miles of the coast? Did you know that the average elevation for the state of Florida is 18 feet above sea-level and that just about all of Southern Florida from Jacksonville to mid arch on the Gulf Coast is under 18-feet, that includes all the Florida Keys.
But that is just one state.
So many states have huge population bases near the ocean.
Long Island, NY could not exist and a small storm would flood Wall Street.
Most of New Jersey coastal areas would be below the new sea level too.
Washington DC on the Potomac could not handle high tide and forget a small storm, much less the Super Storms that Global Warming is predicting.
Luckily most of the Global Warming theories are not based on very solid scientific evidence, but our Planet is going through a climate change cycle and this cycle, which is being caused by a series of inter-related cycles are warming areas our Planet among other things.
Global Warming presumes that mankind's activities have caused these issues or a very large percentage of the problem and that we can change them back by stopping our pollution.
Climate Change term is used to mean that the Earth is going through its own cycles and we are along for the ride and mankind's endeavors such as pollution are a very little part of it.
Remember we have Volcanoes underwater heating the ocean and releasing gases as well as above water Volcanoes spewing out ash, steam, gas and heat.
We have off-solar cycle activities on our Sun causing sunspots and solar flares.
We have Earth core cycles causing issues as well.
Then there are the normal cycles, like El Nino type effects, ice ages, Hurricane Season cycles, ozone cycles and all sorts of other things happening.
But the Earth exists this way for a reason and it will continue to do so and move back to equilibrium through out the future periods.
You see we live on the surface of the Planet and our species has evolved to deal with these things and we as an intelligent species are adapting to handle the dangers and changes of living on the hostile surface of planet.
We must overcome and adapt and deal with it, change what we can to level out the fluctuations, which plague our civilization.
We should be working together rather than fighting over the terms used to describe these normal and expected cycles and how they affect human beings.
Think on this.