Credit Repair: Improve Your Credit Score Quickly!
Tip 1: It's important to stay on top of the information game. It is your right to obtain a free credit report once every year from each of three major credit bureaus: TransUnion, Experian and Equifax. If you are really smart about it, you will get one every four months from each one by alternating. Go over these reports very carefully and look for the following:
Any negative item. You see, every negative item on your credit report can be disputed by you. If the agency cannot verify the negative claim within 30 to 45 days - even if it's true - it must be stricken from your report!
Outdated negative items. All negative items on your credit report have a statute of limitations. After a given time period, they are supposed to drop off automatically. So, if you notice something that is 10 years old, you should dispute it immediately.
Items that have been paid in full and do not state so.
Any other item that catches your attention!
Tip 2: Start paying your bills on time. Regardless of past credit history, it's never too late to start improving your credit rating. Pay on time every time and you will see positive changes begin to occur.
Tip 3: You should keep the balances of your credit cards below 30% of their limits or completely paid off to improve your credit rating. Max them at 30% of the actual maximum and then pay them in full every month. This is the second most important scoring variable (after making timely payments) that contributes to your credit score.
Tip 4: Break open your wallet and dig out some of those old credit cards. Use them and pay them promptly and in full. Older credit accounts rate higher than brand new ones. Keep that positive payment information flowing into the major credit reporting agencies to help to improve your credit rating.
There are many more tips and tricks that you can utilize to improve your credit rating quickly. These are the most powerful though. Use these and be diligent. You will begin to see impressive progress. Just stick to the plan and keep repeating it. It is very possible to improve your credit rating with a little effort and patience. Soon, you'll be back at the top!