Buying a wall mirror
First of all, before you buy a wall mirror, you must do a very thorough marketing search. If you have a certain style in mind, you should go from store to store to find the mirror you are looking for and ask for the price. You will be surprised by the monetary difference and you will see many mirrors before you purchase the perfect one. Another issue to be taken under consideration while doing this search is the cost of the install and the after-sale part, such as the repair of a small crack on your mirror.
Authentication of the frame
If you are into framed wall mirrors, you should check the material of the frame so as not to overpay. A mirror frame made of silver, for example, must have something like an authentication paper in order to make sure to the buyer that the silver is original. If the salesperson has not considered giving this certificate to you, you should better ask for it to check the material and its originality. Especially for silver, you have to demand the certificate because silver rusts very easy if it is not pure.
Ask for recommendations
In addition, the store you are about to purchase the wall mirror from must have good recommendations. Ask your friends and family if they know any good store for mirrors and go to check on them. People tend to suggest stores that they had visited and they were satisfied with their purchase. Also, they will tell you about stores that they did not like in order to stay clear of them. When you find such a store, pay attention to the customers if they are satisfied and, if you are not sure yet, ask the shop owners of the neighbourhood about the reputation and the quality of wall mirrors this store sells.
A new antique?
In case you are very fond of antique wall mirrors, be prepared to deal with people who try to take advantage of you. You will find stores that will try to sell you a historic mirror in a very extra-ordinary price because it is one of a kind. Before you buy such a wall mirror, find an art expert that can confirm that this mirror is from the time period the salesman says in order not to overpay a wall mirror that is actually a piece of junk.
Adding a wall mirror to your house decoration is very stylish and up-to-date. You will be very pleased after this purchase as you will find a new prospective in your house since there will be so much light. Expensive or cheap wall mirror, make sure that you buy an authentic and not overpriced mirror from a store you truly trust.