Florida HUD Rules on Manufactured Housing
- Florida has HUD rules in place for mobile homes.Camping a€" Mobilhome image by albillottet from Fotolia.com
Florida, especially the southern tip, is prone to hurricanes. Since many mobile homes are not mounted on permanent foundations, the possibility of a home literally blowing away in a high wind is great. When Hurricane Francis entered southern Florida in 2004, this problem became painfully apparent. Because of high wind loading issues, special Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rules are in place for mobile homes in Florida. - According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FDHSMV), HUD first set standards for mobile homes in 1974. Some of the standards include design and construction review and approval. In 1994 the standards were amended to address high wind loading. The FDHSMV pointed out that during the 2004 and 2005 hurricane season, no mobile home built or installed after 1994 sustained any major structural damage due to high winds.
- The Florida Administrative Code (FAC) has enacted rules under Chapter 15C-1. Some of the rules cover pier (support) design, tiedown installation, and skirting requirements. Other rules include special supporting of bay windows, and minimum spacing of the home to the ground. The FDHSMV stated that the FAC is the most stringent in the nation.
- As part of the FAC, mobile homes can only be sold and installed by licensed companies. As part of the licensing process, the firm must have a thorough understanding of the FAC, and comply with all installation standards, such as using the correct tiedown specifications. Mobile home manufacturers also have to be licensed, requiring that they adhere to HUD construction standards for mobile homes in Florida.
- Another part of the FAC addresses wind zone loading of the county the mobile home will be set in. A very detailed map of all the Florida counties is drawn up by HUD, and mobile homes have to withstand the wind loading for that county.