How to Build a Loft Bed in a Closet
- 1). Clean out the closet space you'll be installing the loft bed in. Either find another space for the belongings in the closet or donate them to charity.
- 2). Measure the dimensions of the closet space: you'll need width, height and depth. Jot your measurements on paper for reference.
- 3). Lay the plywood sheet on a flat surface. Use a yardstick to measure the same dimensions of the closet onto the wood and use the stick's edge to draw straight guidelines in either a rectangle or square, whichever shape fits the dimension of the closet space.
- 4). Saw the plywood to fit the space, using the lines you drew as a guide. Sand away any rough burrs on the cut edges of the plywood. Set aside. Set the level flush to the back wall of the closet. Position it so it reads level and draw a straight horizontal line to determine your desired height of the bed frame. Measure, mark and cut the height of the line on each 2-by-4, subtracting 3/4 inch. Cut.
- 5). Place one the 2-by-4 boards vertically against either of the closet's sidewalls, touching the floor. Screw it into place using roughly three screws on both the top and the bottom of the wood. Place another board against the rear wall of the closet and the remaining board against the opposite sidewall. Screw each into place.
- 6). Turn the plywood piece vertically to get it into the closet. Lay it over the tops of the 2-by-4 boards and screw down through the plywood, into the tops of the boards. Use about three screws for each joint. Lay a fold-out camping mat, roll of foam or, if there's space, a mattress over the plywood to create the bedding.