Florida Bahia Lawn Care

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    • Seed bahia grass on well-prepared soil. The grass prefers tilled areas with weeds and rocks removed, covered with a layer of topsoil and compost. Ideal planting times are during spring or early summer, according to Florida State University. Avoid mowing until the lawn has bedded down and the roots are secure.


    • Florida soil usually has enough nutrients for growing bahia grass, including large levels of phosphorus. However, grass can deplete an area of nutrients over time. Test lawn areas every year to determine if phosphorus and nitrogen levels are low. The University of Florida suggests adding a water-soluble, slow-release nitrogen fertilizer in ratios of 1/2 lb. per 1,000 square feet every spring. Different areas of Florida have different requirements depending on variations in soil quality and climate.


    • Ideal mowing height for bahia grass is about 2 to 3 inches, according to the Bahia Grass website. During peak summer growth times, mow lawns every two weeks. Do not mow at a low level or remove more than a third of the grass height. This damages root systems and reduces growing speeds.

    Diseases and Pests

    • Bahia grass thrives in Florida in part because is has good resistance against diseases and blights. Dollar spot is one disease that may occur in bahia grass, according to the University of Florida. The disease appears as patches of white or brown speckled across the lawn. Combat dollar spot by adding more nitrogen fertilizer to the grass. Mole crickets are the most serious pest for bahia gardeners to contend with. Look for wilting grass or prominent soil mounds from the cricket tunnels.


    • Bahia is able to sustain itself through periods of drought, making it ideal for the Florida climate. In low water conditions it will shrivel and turn brown, according to the Bahia Grass website. However, the grass is quick to recover after only a short burst of rainfall For lush, green lawns, bahia grass requires regular watering. Young, growing bahia grass needs more water than established lawns.

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