Art Activities for the Letter G
- Ask children to draw pictures of G words.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Brainstorm a list of words that begin with the letter G and write them on the board. Ask each child to draw a picture of one of the words or assign a short list of words to a small group and let the children decide which child is going to draw each word. Ask each group to tell a story using each of the words and pictures. A variation of this activity is to give the children stacks of old magazines and ask them to cut pictures of the letter G or pictures of things that begin with G. The images can be combined and pasted on to a large piece of poster board - Discuss the different ways to pronounce the letter G.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
Discuss how the letter G can make different sounds. It can sound "hard" as in "goat" or "soft" as in "gerbil." Make a list of animals whose names begin with the letter G. Give the children coloring pages from a coloring book or reproducible print-outs of these different animals and let them color them with crayons and markers. Cover a cork board with green paper and attach green paper leaves and flowers. Hang the finished pictures of G animals in the garden. - Give each child a 4-inch piece of yarn. Have students dredge it in school glue and form it into a G on a piece of wax paper. When the yarn dries, it will be a hardened G to hang in the classroom. A variation of this is to give each child a stencil letter G to trace on card stock then cut out and color. Glue the G to a tongue depressor and play the G game: as you tell the kids a story that contains words beginning with the letter G, they will raise their G-sticks or string Gs to show that they recognize the sound.